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meet said appropriation it Will be necessary to authorize, issue and sell bonds of the City in <br />the amount of One Million Dollars (51,000,000000), and I am handing you herewith a form of <br />ordinance drawn for the purpose. <br />Dated this 13th day of September, 1948. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />(Signed) Albert Be Troeger <br />City Controller <br />The City Clerk presented to the Council a petition filed by owners of taxable real estate in the City of <br />South Bend requesting the Common Council to issue the bonds of the City in an amount not exceeding. <br />$1,000,000.00, for the purpose of procuring funds to be applied on the cost of construction and improvement <br />of sewers in said City. <br />Said petition having been examined and found to be suffioient, and to be properly verified and certified, <br />on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the same was approved and ordered filed. <br />Councilman Stanley C. Korpal thereupon introduced Ordinance Noe 3660, entitled "An Ordinance of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of said City for the purpose of providing <br />funds to be applied on the cost of construction and improvement of sewers, and expenses incurred in connection <br />therewith,"' and moved that the Clerk be instructed to read said ordinance in full.. This motion was seconded <br />by Councilman Albert Tellson and carried. The Clerk then read said ordinance in full. <br />Councilman Stanley C. Korpal then moved that Ordinance No. 3660 be read a second time by title and that an <br />opportunity be given for the offering of amendments, which motion was seconded by Councilman Albert Tellson <br />and carried.. The Clerk then read Ordinance No. 3660 the second time by title, and no amendments being offered <br />Councilman Walter Ce Erler moved that the rules which, unless suspended, m#iht prevent final passage of said <br />ordinance,at this meeting,.be suspended, and that unanimous consent be given for final consideration of said <br />ordinance'at this meeting. This motion was seconded by Councilman Stanley Ce Korpal, and on call of the roll <br />the vote thereon was as follows: <br />Ayes: Councilman Clem Niezgodski, Stanley Korpal, Albert Tellson, Cloyd.Bestle, <br />Walter Glass, Alvin Kemper and Walter Erler <br />Nays% None <br />The Presiding Officer announced that the motion for the suspension of the rules having been carried by <br />unanimous vote, final action on said ordinance would now be in order. <br />Councilman Stanley C. Korpal moved that Ordinance No.',3660 be read.a third time in full and be placed upon <br />final passage. This motion was seconded by Councilman Albert Tellson and adopted by the following votes <br />Ayes: Councilman Clem Niezgodski, Stanley Korpal, Albert Tellson, Cloyd Beetle, <br />lklter Glass, Alvin Kemper and Walter 'Erler <br />Nays: None- <br />Councilman Stanley Co Korpal moved that Ordinance Noe 3660 be passed and adopted as read. This motion was <br />.'seconded by Councilman Albert Tellson and on call of the roll was carried by the following vote. <br />Ayes: Councilman Clem Niezgodski, Stanley Korpal, Albert Tellson, Cloyd Beetle, <br />Walter Glass, Alvin Kemper and Walter Erler <br />Nays ,i None <br />The Presiding Officer announced that said ordinance had,been duly passed and adopted. <br />Councilman Stanley C. Korpal thereupon introduced Ordinance No. 3661, entitled "An Ordinance of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, appropriating the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) to be applied on the cost <br />of construction and improvement of sewers, and expenses incurred in connection therewite , and moved that <br />the Clerk be instructed to read said ordinance in full-. This motion was seconded by Councilman Albert <br />Tellson and carried. The Clerk then read said ordinance in fulle_ <br />Councilman Stanley C. Korpal then moved that Ordinance No. 3661 be read a second time.,-by title,.and that <br />an opportunity be given for the offering of amendments,' which motion was seconded by Councilman Albert Tellson <br />and carried. The Clerk then read Ordinance Noe 3661 the second time, by title, and no amendments were offered <br />thereto. <br />Councilman Walter Erler then moved that said ordinance be carried over for further consideration until a <br />meeting of the Council to be held on the 27th day of September, 1948, and that a public hearing be held or- <br />said ordinance at that meeting; that the City Clerk be instructed to publish a notice to taxpayers of such <br />public hearing once each week for two weeks in The South Bend Tribune and South Bend Mirror, the same being <br />newspapers published in the City of South Bend and represen €ing the two leadinr political parties, and to <br />post said notice in three public places in the City, the first publication ancosting; to be at least ten days <br />prior to said date. This motion was seconded by Councilman Alvin Kemper, and on call of the roll was adopted <br />by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Councilman Clem Niezgodski, Stanley Korpal, Albert Tellson, Cloyd Bestle, <br />Walter Glass, Alvin Kemper, and Walter Erler <br />Nays% None <br />The Presiding Officer declared said motion carried, and instructed the City Clerk to publish and post notice <br />of said public hearing as provided in the foregoing motion. <br />There being no further business presented, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting thereupon <br />adjourned. <br />ATTEST: <br />APPROVED: <br />CLERK PRESIDEN <br />