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303 <br />"We do not anticipate the necessity of going outside of South Bend for production employees in <br />Plant #2." <br />The Singer Manufacturing Company writes: <br />"In response to the inquiry in your letter of January 5th, we may advise that although continuing <br />efforts have been made to ' secure-defense work for this plant, they have met with such scant re- <br />sults up to the present time that our employment problem is not likely to be influenced by the <br />small amount of defense work which we are doing. Under the circumstances, we see no reason for <br />expecting either an increse or a decrease in our present force of 1,300 employees in the fore- <br />seeable future." <br />The South Bend Lathe Works writes: <br />" "Replying to your letter of the 5th, we do not have any definite plans at this time to increase <br />our employment during 1942 There is, of course, a possibility we might require additional em- <br />ployees, but we do not think the increase will be more than 10% or 15% of our present force. <br />Frankly, we cannot make any definite estimate nor forecast at this time." <br />The Bendix Aviation Corporation writes: <br />"In reply to your inquiry of January 5th as to the anticipated increase of employees during the year <br />1942, we wish to advise as follows: <br />"Our forecast at present anticipates approximately 10,000 employees in total for the year 1942. <br />The present payroll_ has been around 9400 consistently for the past six months. "` <br />I vn uld like at this time to thank the Local Authority for the splendid -job they have been doing, for the tireless <br />efforts they have put forth and for their sincerity of purpose in trying and planning to properly house those that <br />require it most. <br />I have given you the information concerning the changes that have taken place affecting the Cooperation Agreement <br />you authorized me to sign sometime ago, together with all other information I have at hand concerning the housing <br />situation in South Bend. I have attempted to make the report as concise and still as complete as possible. <br />With this report before you I would not like to have your consideration, guidance and recommendations. <br />Respectfully yours, <br />JESSE I. PAVEY <br />Mayor of South Bend <br />After a general discussion,.Councilman Richardson made a motion that the Mayor be instructed and directed to sign <br />and execute the Cooperation Agreement. Councilman Brannan seconded the motion. Motion carried by five-'ayes <br />(Richardson, Brannan,. Jordan, Niezgodski and McCarthy) and three nays (Hull, Bishop and Heideman) and one absent <br />(Pulaski)`. <br />The business of the meeting being concluded, Council 9 :25 P.M. <br />ATTEST: OVEll: <br />CITY CLERK e ESIDENT <br />