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85 <br />be nut to rozk this winter. Council_-fivn Bier7, ?gen seconded the motion. <br />Co•Jncilm4 n Rasmussen moved for recess - Q:30) P.Y. <br />Committee of the Whole meeting re- convened - 9 :50 P.M. <br />Chnirrhm Goetz asked Councilmen Hull to t ^ke chl-i.r. <br />Courc71m ^n Goetz :Moved to rmerd Counci ln°pn Fi. sh' s amendr;ent, that s~: id orci _r ^nc® bP trbl_ed. <br />Co. ncilmn geco- ^ded the motion. <br />Roll call on. Council_rr: =n Goetz' motion ps follo-s: Dull, Kerner, Che«ibels Fnd R�-sllus en - 4 nrys <br />Goetz, Bie:wFwe-,, Fish rl Pa_lie',i - 4 ages. T,�'oticn lost. <br />Roll cr�1_1. or. Co:jncilrfn Fish'- metior es follows: 'Hul_l, Goetz, Kerner, Chambers Nnd Ra.srussen - <br />5 ayes. Hierlx�gen, Fish and Palicki - -i nFys. Notion lost. <br />Roll c ;11 on ecce ti_«g said ordir_ rce r s folio s: Hull, Kerner, Chambers snd Rssmus.,en - 4 ryes <br />Goetz, Eiprwagen, Fish and Palicki - 4 neys. miction lost. <br />Cou.ncil,i;an Rasmussen moved to ;djojrn. Co )nci.lnE'n Kerner seconded the, motion. Moti :r_ carried. <br />Co,nrrittee of the whole meeting PdjoZrned• at 10:00 P.'i. <br />SPECIAL MEETING RE- CONVEPED - 10:01 P.M. <br />Councilmen Chambers moved to smend Section, q, line 3, after the words may be, inserting "s.nd <br />upon offici3�1 grr=nt of $513,000 fro(T P.W. A." Councilmen Ra- mussen seconded the motion. <br />Roll call on Councilmen Chambers' - motion es follows: Hull, Kerner, Cheirnbers Ind Rasmussen - <br />4 Dyes. Goetz, F3ierrreP;en, Fish and Palicki - 4 reys. !1,,otion lost. <br />Caption of or igi_n ^1 ordinance reed by clerk. Roll cell_ on originr;l ordinance es follows: Hull; Kerner, `hEmbers end xa.smussen - 4 ayes. <br />Goetz, Bier'rp=en, Fish ;and P^r>li_cki - n =wys. Ordinnnce lost. <br />There being no further business Council_innn Goetz moved to adjourn. Council, ^t ^:n Hierw^gen <br />seconded the motion. Voti -n cerried. Co )ncil ndjo�Jrned '-t 1.0:07 <br />ATTEST: <br />3A" LZ <br />CLERK <br />APPROVED:: <br />R S T EF, TT. <br />a <br />