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Dr. Varner turning discussion to 2014 budget priorities asked each Councilmember in <br />turn to state their priorities. <br />Oliver Davis was first. He said the budget should reflect a commitment to streets and <br />sidewalk repairs, in particular, those in his district affected by much subsoil. He also <br />wants the City to follow through with its plan to provide water table relief for homes near <br />the Ethanol Plant. <br />Karen White was next. Karen said the Council should measure progress on the eight <br />primary priorities it listed in the last budget process. What was accomplished? What was <br />not? She said quality of life issues in particular; public safety and corridor improvement <br />need to be a top priority. <br />Tim Scott said public safety issues, including traffic enforcement should be a priority. <br />He also said KPI's or key performance indicators should be identified to measure <br />progress of already stated priorities like the Vacant & Abandoned Task Force Report and <br />corridor investments. <br />Valerie Schey observed that many priorities overlap so even though vague economic <br />development ought to be a priority. A vital part of economic development she felt had to <br />be investment in the City's infrastructure making the City more attractive. This includes <br />a focus on the Vacant & Abandoned Housing Program, curbs and sidewalks and corridor <br />improvements. <br />Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic stated the housing issues and crime needed to be a top <br />priority. <br />Citizen Member Jack Smith echoed the priorities including public safety concerns and <br />measurable progress on the vacant and abandoned housing issues. <br />Newly appointed Citizen Member Marc Brammer said the City needs to do a better job of <br />selling itself. The City, he said needs to make sure it develops and maintains a business <br />friendly environment that welcomes and new business and innovation. Encouragement <br />of investment in "smart jobs" was critical to attracting and keeping young people here... <br />a brain gain instead of a brain drain. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr. said more jobs needed to be created. The problems of <br />the chronically unemployed and the under - employed needed more attention particularly <br />in the minority population. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner said crime and infrastructure should be at the top of <br />the list. He added that each priority had two components — policy and funding. He said <br />the City needs to make sure City services should be provided in ever more efficient and <br />effective ways. <br />