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again dropped the ball missing a plan of development for the corridor. Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />asked if the City had a place? Jitin Cain, form Cl, said a plan was taking form. <br />In the public portion, Herbert Miller said he supports the mini -mart, claiming the <br />neighborhood organization doesn't speak for everyone. <br />At that juncture Oliver Davis motioned for no recommendation to full Council. Kyle <br />Chamberlin seconded and all agreed. <br />The next item, a bill to rezone and provide special exceptions fora car sales lot at 3801 <br />W. Western. <br />Dr. Ferlic called upon Christa Nayder who reported a favorable recommendation from <br />Area Plan. <br />Kimberly Clendenin, representing the petitioner provided a new site plant (A copy is on <br />file in the Office of the City Clerk.) <br />In the Council portion Henry Davis spoke in support of the bill citing increases in taxes <br />and jobs. <br />After brief discussion. Oliver Davis moved to amend the bill by the addition of the new <br />site plan. Henry Davis seconded and all affirmed. For favorable recommendation Henry <br />motioned. Oliver seconded and all agreed. <br />Bill No. 26 -13 the next agenda item, was a change in the Planned Unit Development <br />(PUD) language. Proposed and presented by the Community Investment Department, it <br />was said to be a boom to development making the development process smoother. The <br />bill gained an endorsement from John Phair of Holladay Properties. Henry Davis <br />suggested a separate time to have a thorough PUD workshop. <br />Ultimately Kyle Chamberlin motioned. Oliver Davis seconded a favorable <br />recommendation to full Council. All affirmed. <br />Larry Magliozzi from Area Plan Commission wanted the Council to consider five text <br />changes in the zoning ordinance to reflect "real world" changes since the texts were <br />revised over ten years before. He however, deferred in the interests of time. <br />