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modernize her department by scanning and storing more documents. Council Member Tim <br />Scott added this would be a good thing. Council. Member Oliver Davis reminded her to put any <br />items needed for this project in her budget. <br />Council Member Karen L. White asked for a time line on status of the ordinance and to send this <br />to the Clerk's office and Council Attorney. <br />Council Member Oliver Davis asked about the code enforcement hearing officer. <br />Assistant City Attorney Ann -Carol Nash replied that the current code enforcement officer would <br />be used to enforce this ordinance. She didn't foresee a problem or an overabundance of work <br />for the officer with the ordinance. They will play this by ear and will re- budget if necessary. <br />Assistant City Attorney Ann -Carol Nash then spoke to the proposed tracking form and legal's <br />role in the enforcing of this ordinance. Most things will start with the hiring of the police officer <br />for the position. She mentioned that Andrea Beachkofsky will be the go to attorney for this <br />ordinance. She discussed educating the uniform officers at roll call on this ordinance, <br />explaining they have done this before with other ordinances. She said she should have the <br />SOP's ready in about a month to a month and a half. She talked about preparing warning <br />notices and remediation agreements. She mentioned about legal helping as needed. She <br />wants the police to check the records for ownership. City Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski- <br />Farrand mentioned that maybe one of the legal interns could do this. Ann Carol said they don't <br />have interns all year long. Kathy said that maybe her legal intern would be able to do this. It <br />was decided they would work this out later. Service call fees were brought up and were <br />questioned. City Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski - Farrand said she will double check this. <br />IT Director Keith Crain was then asked for any comment or suggestions from the IT dept. He <br />said he is thinking of a couple of different programs on the computer that could possibly be of <br />use, one being a GIS program posting. The police will work with IT on inputting data. City <br />Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski - Farrand mentioned that fees and fines should be worked out <br />with Ordinance Violations Bureau and Legal. It Director Keith Crain ended with saying IT has a <br />supporting role to help out with information and spreadsheets and coordinating info. They can <br />help deal with publishing and reports people may want and the web site. <br />Council Member Tim Scott then asked about developing fill in forms on -line with no paper being <br />involved. IT Director Keith Crain said he will think about this along with integration. <br />City Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski - Farrand said that outreach would be an important factor. <br />Council Member Karen L. White wants a time schedule worked out. <br />Council Member Oliver Davis mentioned Transpo would like someone to work with them on <br />issues with their transfer station as they have had some problems. He asked about what would <br />be the outcome of this being a successful ordinance. The goal would be reduce calls and <br />collect no fees or fines. <br />Council Member Karen L. White said the committee would continue to work with everyone to <br />refine the ordinance. She thanked everyone for coming and would like to meet again in about 3 <br />