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RESOLUTION NO. 2 - - -62 <br />R E S O L U T I O N <br />WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called from this life, <br />Howard A. (Bud) Noble, member of the staff of the South Bend Tribune, and <br />WHEREAS, his untimely death has brought much grief and sorrow <br />to his family and his many friends, and <br />WHEREAS, Howard A. Noble was a most important facet in the <br />field of journalism and political endeavor in the community, and <br />WHEREAS, because of his knowledge of the field of government, he <br />aided the City of South Bend in its operation of City Government for many, <br />many years, and <br />WHEREAS, he participated in many civic boards and groups as a <br />voluntary nature without compensation, and <br />WHEREAS, up until the date of his passing he was actively engaged <br />in assisting our community in the field of Civil Defense. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Common Council of <br />the City of South Bend, do hereby extend to the entire family of Howard A. <br />Noble, our sincere sympathy in this, their hour of sorrow, and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a page in the Council records of <br />the City of South Bend be set aside, and this resolution,be copied therein, <br />and that a copy duly certified by the Mayor be delivered to the bereaved. <br />/s/ JOSEPH T. KROLL /s/ PAUL E. KRUEPER, JR. <br />/s/ T. W. LEHMAN /s/ ALBERT E. TELLSON <br />/s/ J. CHESTER ALLEN /s/ CHESTER MUSZYNSKI <br />/s/ EUGENE IADEWSKI /s/ WALTER G. GLASS <br />/s'/ HAROLD L. COLEMAN <br />Resolution unanimously adopted by a roll call vote of the Council. <br />Date of death of Howard A. Noble, January 5, 1962 <br />