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COMMUNITY RELATIONS <br />5:00 P.M. <br />JULY 17, 2013 <br />Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, Tim Scott, Dr. David Varner (5:25 p.m.) <br />Other Council Present: Dr. Fred Ferlic, Gavin Ferlic, (left at 5:36 p.m.), <br />Derek Dieter (left at 5:56 p.m.) <br />Others Present: Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sherri Pete, Phil St. Clair, John Voorde, Steve Nemeth, <br />Sally Hintz Malone, Cindi Fenimore, Robin Phillips, Christine Murdock, Rawson <br />Murdock, Christopher Huff, Sister Pam Welch, John Charles Bryant, Catherine <br />Hostetler, Brandon Anderson, Elicia Feasel, Cherri Peate, Jonathon Geels, Toni <br />Cook, Jill LaFountain, Dominick Ciesielski, Deb Kuehn, Ann Leonard Molenda <br />Agenda: Kick -Off City Cemetery Restoration Project <br />Oliver Davis, Chairperson of the Community Relations Committee set this meeting to formally <br />kick -off the City Cemetery Restoration Project. <br />Attention was drawn to the somewhat deteriorated condition of the City Cemetery last spring. <br />Oliver Davis had organized a ceremonial wreath lying at the grave of former Speaker of the <br />House and Vice - President Schuyler Colfax. Noting the neglected condition and vandalized <br />headstones Oliver touched off a groundswell of interest in restoring the cemetery. With today's <br />meeting Liver intends to draw more attention to the restoration effort. Goals, action items, time <br />lines, measurable outcomes and funding sources were all up for consideration by a fast <br />expanding number of stakeholders invited to the meeting. <br />After recounting his own interest in history, Oliver introduced the Mayor and Council Members <br />present allowing brief comments from each. Mayor Buttigieg led off thanking Oliver for sparking a <br />fire of interest while offering wholeheartedly his administrations support. Council President Derek <br />Dieter followed in turn by Councilmembers David Varner, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. Fred Ferlic, and Tim <br />Scott all endorsed the effort. Tim Scott in particular applauded the public - private partnership <br />forming to accomplish the restoration task. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis then asked each member of the public attending to identify <br />themselves and share their particular interest in the restoration effort. Some describe family <br />connections. Others described work they've volunteered to do through other groups like the <br />genealogical society and historic preservation organization. For example, recent volunteer efforts <br />accomplished the digitization of all the burial records. Others highlighted the potential of on -line <br />interest from organizing volunteer efforts to fund - raising. <br />The real "meat" of the meeting followed with Oliver's slide presentation put together by Council <br />Attorney Kathy Cekanski - Farrand. The agenda and slide presentation along with the attendance <br />sign -in sheet are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. <br />A productive roundtable discussion among Councilmembers and attendees followed while <br />volunteer sum - committee sign -on sheets were circulated. <br />After summary comments Oliver thanked those attending and then set the next meeting for <br />Wednesday, August 21, in the Council Caucus room at 5:00 p.m. <br />