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rAnexal <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />URBAN REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING COMMITTEE <br />Chester Muszynski, Chairman <br />J. Chester Allen <br />Joseph T. Kroll <br />Albert Tellson <br />Paul E. Krueper, Jr. <br />CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE <br />Harold Coleman, Chairman <br />Paul E. Krueper, Jr. <br />Joseph T. Kroll <br />Eugene Ladewski <br />J. Chester Allen <br />JANUARY 9, 1961 <br />SPECIAL COMMITTEES <br />ANNEXATION AND UNDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br />Chester Mus.zynski, Chairman <br />T. W. Lehman <br />Joseph T. Kroll <br />Paul E. Krueper, Jr. <br />Eugene Ladewski <br />LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE <br />J. Chester Allen, Chairman <br />Chester Muszynski <br />Walter Glass <br />Harold Coleman <br />T. W. Lehman <br />Joseph T. Kroll <br />ALL COMMITTEE REPORTS SHALL BE IN WRITING <br />COMMUNICATION <br />I <br />The Clerk read the following communication from Councilman T. W. Lehman: <br />Common Council January 9, 1961 <br />City of South Bend <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />(Gentlemen: <br />As you will recall, I was elected Chairman of the Committee of the Whole in January of 1960 for a term of four years. <br />Mayor Bruggner has requested that I continue to act in that capacity. <br />However, it is my feeling that this Council shall be the judge of whether my services as Chairman -in 1960 have been <br />adequate. <br />Notwithstanding the fact that Mayor Bruggner has repeatedly requested me to retain this post, I herewith submit my <br />resignation in order that the Council may again fill the vacancy and further determine my adequacy in said position. <br />I shall be willing to continue as Chairman should the Council so desire. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />/s/ T. W. Lehman <br />T.W. Lehman <br />Councilman, Fifth District <br />ICouncilman Glass made a motion that the resignation of Mr. Lehman be rejected. Councilman Krueper seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />(There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Muszynski made a motion to adjourn. Councilman <br />Lehman seconded the motion. Motion carried and the regular meeting of the Common Council adjourned at 9:15 P.M. <br />(ATTEST: <br />APPROVED: <br />CLERK <br />PRESIDENT <br />: xxxxxxxxx= xxx_ xaxxxxxx.. x. xxxxx= xxxx�_ xxxxxxxxoxxxnx:=: xxxxxxx�xxxxxxxa= ax�xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _xxaoxx.a_xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx. <br />