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ORDINANCE NO. 4290 <br />AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 24 AND PARAGRAPH 4 OF SECTION 25 OF ARTICLE V OF ORDINANCE NO. 3200 AS AMENDED I� <br />ENTITLED "ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING TRAFFIC UPON <br />THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, ESTABLISHING A CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND SETTING FORTH HIS <br />DUTIES, ALSO ESTABLISHING A TRAFFIC BUREAU AND SETTING FORTH THE MEMBERSHIP AND DUTIES OF SUCH BUREAU AND <br />REPEALING SUCH PARTS OF ORDINANCES THAT MAY BE IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ONLY INSOFAR AS THEY CONFLICT AND SUPPLE- <br />MENTING THE TRAFFIC ORDINANCES, BUT IN NO WAY REPEALING THE INTENT OR PURPOSES OF SAID ORDINANCES` PASSED <br />FEBRUARY 8, 1937, ALSO KNOWN AS CHAPTER 29, SECTION 16 AND SUB - SECTION (c) OF SECTION 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL <br />CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, 1949, GENERAL ORDINANCE NO. 3709. <br />The Ordinance was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 5 ayes, (Councilmen Korpal, Erhardt, Tellson <br />Kroll and Muszynski), 4 nays (Councilmen Christman, Glass, Hahn and Erler). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 4291 <br />AN ORDINANCE FOR ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION IN GENERAL STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND $130,000.00 <br />The Ordinance was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays. <br />REPORT OF CITY PLANNING COMMISSION <br />The Honorable Common Council <br />City of South Bend <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Gentlemen: <br />December 11, 1958 <br />The attached petition of Harvey S. Cover to rezone the property lying at the southwest intersection of Chippewa <br />Avenue and Main Street, containing 7 acres, more or less, from "B" Residential Use District and "A "Height and Area <br />District to "E" Heavy Industrial Use District and "F" Height and Area District was legally advertised on November 24, <br />1959 and given public hearing under date of December 3, 1959. The following action was taken: <br />After due consideration it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the petition be <br />recommended favorably to the Common Council. <br />RLH /mah <br />Attach. <br />Very truly yours, <br />CITY PLANNING COMMISSION <br />/s/ Robert L. Huff (mah) <br />Robert L. Huff, Director - Secretary <br />Councilman Kroll made a motion that ttre report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Glass seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 4292 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3702, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE ZONING <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND (Chippewa and Main) <br />The Ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Erler made a motion for <br />suspension of rules. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried by a roll call vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays <br />The Ordinance was then given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays. <br />COMMUNICATION <br />December 11, 1959 <br />South Bend Common Council <br />St. Joseph County Council <br />Board of County Commissioners of St. Joseph County <br />Gentlemen: <br />This Association realizes you are again being asked to decide this week on the creation of a City - County Building <br />Authority. The public hearings have revealed the many reasons why such an Authority appears objectionable to so <br />many organizations and individual citizens (over 2600 of whom signed a remonstrance opposing its creation). <br />The Public hearings have not revealed any data, plans or intentions which support the creation of an Authority and <br />we feel you should weigh seriously this fact. It is amazing that such a major decision is asked of you without ex- <br />plaining why. No public official should choose to adopt such a costly action without having reasons very carefully <br />presented to him and to the public. <br />Furthermore officials have not presented statistics on financial affairs or the legal status of the Authority at thes <br />hearings. No official has presented building plans, cost estimates or time table of needs. These are just a few of <br />the facts that are still needed. <br />We appeal to you to take your action only after responsible officials as well as organizations and citizens who favor) <br />this method of financing improvements have informed you and the public of the need, and why an Authority is the only (I <br />answer. <br />Very truly, <br />SOUTH BEND CIVIC PLANNING ASSN. INC. <br />/s/ Karl D. Jahnke <br />Karl D. Jahnke, President <br />Councilman Kroll made a motion that the communication be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Christman seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION <br />RESOLU'T'ION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PAYMENTS TO BE <br />MADE TO SALARIED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Indiana, is approaching the close of its fiscal year; end, <br />WHEREAS, the office of the City Controller will be required to make numerous payments and close its numerous <br />and complicated accounts; and, <br />