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the Common Council and of the administration of the City of South Bend have been lessened considerably, and <br />WHEREAS, the members of the administration of the City of South Bend, including the members of the Common <br />Council, are indebted and grateful for these services which have been of benefit to the entire community, and <br />WHEREAS, it is our desire to congratulate William A. Hahn on his seventieth birthday and to wish him many <br />more years of health and happiness and to express our appreciation to him for the civic services performed on behalf <br />of the community, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that William A. Hahn be and he is hereby congratulated on his <br />seventieth birthday and it is further RESOLVED that this Council wish him many more years of <br />service to the City of South Bend, and it is further RESOLVED that we express our appreciation <br />and gratitude for the civil services performed by William A. Hahn. <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that from and after the passage, attestation and signature by the Clerk and <br />members of the Council, that this resolution become effective and a copy be delivered to William A. <br />Hahn. <br />JOSEPH T. KROLL <br />JULIUS B. CHRISTMAN, JR. <br />STANLEY C. KORPAL <br />ALBERT TELLSON <br />DATED this 13th day of July, 1959 <br />Councilman Kroll made a motion for adoption of the Resolution. <br />WALTER C. ERLER, SR. <br />DONALD F. ERHARDT <br />CHESTER E. MUSZYNSKI <br />Councilman Erler seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />Councilman Kroll made a motion that a Special Meeting be called on August 3, 1959, for first and second reading of <br />the Budget and Tax Levy. Councilman Glass seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Hahn made a motion to adjourn. Councilman <br />T611son seconded the motion. Motion carried and the Regular Meeting of the Common Council adjourned at 11:30 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />APPROVED: <br />(F <br />CLERK ,.,PRESIDENT <br />