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W' <br />82 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NO. 2243 AND NO. 3208 COMMONLY <br />KNOWN AS THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />DECEMBER 2�, 1958 <br />The Ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Kroll made a motion that the <br />Ordinance be set for Public Hearing on January 12, 1959. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 2135 (Bus) <br />The Ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Muszynski made a motion that <br />the Ordinance be set for Public Hearing on January 12, 1959. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />Councilman Muszynski stated that he had observed trucks again on Olive Street and wanted some enforcement immediatelI. <br />Councilman Hahn stated that he wished to commend Mr. Lane for the fine report submitted this evening. <br />Mrs. Marie Trok, 2303 West Dunham Street asked what would be done about the junk yard next to her property. Council- <br />man Erler made a motion that the investigation . be held in committee for further study. Councilman Glass asked <br />that the matter be given to the Grievance Committee. <br />Councilman Christman commended Mr. Lane on his fine report and suggested that the Council get to work on the sub- <br />standard Ordinance to help Mr. Lane. <br />Mrs. Navarre commended Mr. Lane for his excellent report which had been requested by the League of Women Voters. <br />There being no further business before the Council, Councilman Tellson made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Kroll <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried, and the Regular Meeting of the Common Council adjourned at 9 :14 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />CLERK <br />APPROVED: <br />PRESIDENT <br />