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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 22, 1971 <br />REGULAR MEETING - (Cont.) <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING - (Cont.) <br />ORDINANCE - (Cont.) <br />"The present payloader is eleven years old and Morgan Peck believes that it has <br />surpassed its usefull economical life. The purchase price was $8,900.00. <br />This unit was purchased for duties in the sludge beds but was also used for snow <br />removal and a list of other miscellaneous plant duties. For example: Cleaning <br />bar screens, maintenance work on Primary chain handling, grit screw overhaul, <br />scum burner work, etc. During the last few years, Morgan Peck has used it exten- <br />sively at the Sludge Farm. <br />Morgan Peck feels that it should be replaced with a new, larger unit. <br />The Superintendent in his report dated September 3, 1971, titled "Digester <br />Cleaning ", makes the following references: <br />THE FUTURE <br />We are hoping that Morgan Peck can address himself to the possibility of <br />removing the digester cleaning sludge, from the lagoon and find a way to <br />recycle it. This is a very large assignment, but the goal is a worth- <br />while one. <br />/s/ Louis Rague " <br />Councilman Janet Allen made a motion the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded <br />by Councilman Craven. Motion carried. <br />RISE AND REPORT TO COUNCIL <br />There being no further business to be considered before the Committee of the Whole, Chairman <br />Grounds entertained a motion to rise and report to Council, and also for a short recess, so <br />moved by Councilman Szymkowiak and seconded by Councilman Janet Allen. Motion carried. <br />Time 9:25 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />REGULAR MEETING -RECONVENED <br />APP OVED: <br />c <br />r , <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana reconvened in the <br />Council Chambers in the County -City Building on Monday, November 22, 1971 at 9 :37 P.M. after <br />a short recess. The meeting was called to order by Council President Laven who presided. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MINUTES <br />Your Committee on the inspection and supervision of the minutes would respectfully report <br />that they have inspected the minutes of the November 8, 1971 regular meeting of the Council <br />and found them correct. They therefore recommend that the same be approved. <br />/s/ Robert 0. Laven <br />s Janet S. Allen <br />s Albert E. Palmer <br />There being no objections, the report was accepted as read and placed on file. <br />CITIZENS REQUESTS -_MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS <br />Council President Laven introduced the recently elected members of the new South Bend Common <br />Council who were present in the audience: Councilmen -at- Large, Peter J. Nemeth, Frank Horvath; <br />and Joseph T. Serge, lst district; Walter T. Kopczynski, 6th district; Terry S. Miller, 3rd <br />district; Robert G. Taylor, 5th district; and Mrs. Irene Gammon, City Clerk; and Charles <br />Sweeney, Jr., City Attorney. Mr. Laven announced that the new Council members were invited <br />to meet with the outgoing Council in caucus to go over the agenda and meeting decorum on <br />December 13, 1971 at 6 :30 P.M. in the Council Caucus Room. <br />Mr. Joseph Guentert commented on the recent riots in several of the City's high schools within <br />recent weeks. Concerning this matter he felt the welfare of South Bend citizens was at stake <br />and urged the Council and the Board of Public Works and Safety to investigate in an effort to <br />find the cause of the problem. He said there had been charges of racism and lack of dis- <br />cipline, which the students themselves were seeking, and he felt the true situation should be <br />brought to light. Mr. Laven said that the Human Relations Commission had been invited by the <br />School Corporation to do this and that there was a member of the Council on the committee. <br />