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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 8, 1971 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (Cont.) <br />RESOLUTIONS - (Cont) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 289 -71 - (Cont.) <br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption <br />of the existing annual budget, so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was <br />appropriated in the annual budget for the various functions of City Government to meet such <br />extraordinary conditions; and <br />WHEREAS, additional funds for Account G -262, "Law Books ", are needed by the <br />Office of City Attorney to assure the department's ability to properly perform its functions; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, a surplus exists in another account where it is not presently <br />needed and more specifically as follows, to -wit: <br />$250.00 in Account G -213 designated as "Traveling Expenese". <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. That the sum of $250.00 be transferred from Account G -213, <br />"Traveling Expenses ", to Account G -262, "Law Books ", both of said accounts in the Office of <br />City Attorney Budget being within the General Fund. <br />/s/ William W. Grounds <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing on this resolution was held at this time. Mr. Crumpacker said the present set <br />of reference books came from the City Judge's Chambers when the office was dissolved and were <br />quite old and not up to date; transfer of these funds will be used to bring the law library up <br />to date. Miss Guthrie questioned the moneys presently allotted for law books and inquired why <br />additional moneys were needed. Mr. Crumpacker stated the updating needs to be done from 1957 <br />and that the volumes were expensive. Councilman Janet allen commented that moneys are appro- <br />priated in each year's budget for books to this library and asked if a search through various <br />offices in the building might not turn up some of the missing volumes which, in some cases, <br />might have been borrowed and not returned. She further suggested an inventory of purchases <br />might be obtained through the purchasing office. Mr. Crumpacker stated there was no way of <br />knowing if certain purchases were ever made since the records do not go back that far. Council- <br />man Janet Allen asked if there was a reason this updating should be done this year and ques- <br />tioned the need for money in the budget for this item each year. Mr. Crumpacker said this was <br />the year to do this. Councilman Grounds made a motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by <br />Councilman Szymkowiak. The resolution passed by a roll call vote of 5 ayes, 1 nay, 3 absent <br />(Councilmen Wise, Palmer and Zielinski). <br />RESOLUTION NO. 290 -71 <br />A RESOLUTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION IN ACCOUNT <br />MVH -64, "EMPLOYEES' GROUP INSURANCE ", IN THE BUDGET OF <br />THE MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$800.00, AND THE TRANSFER OF SAID SUM FROM ACCOUNT MVH -62, <br />"SOCIAL SECURITY ", BOTH ACCOUNTS BEING IN THE SAME CATEGORY <br />IN THE MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY FUND. <br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption <br />of the existing annual budget, so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was <br />appropriated in the annual budget for the various functions of City Government to meet such <br />extraordinary-conditions; and <br />WHEREAS, additional funds are needed in Account MVH -64, "Employees' Group <br />Insurance" to pay the increased costs of group hospitalization insurance premiums and to assure <br />the department's ability to properly perform its functions; and <br />WHEREAS, a surplus exists in another account where it is not presently needed <br />and more specifically as follows, to-wit: <br />$800.00 in Account MVH -62, designated as "Social Security ". <br />NOW, THEREFORE,.BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. That the sum of $800.00 be transferred from Account MVH -62, <br />"Social Security ", to Account MVH -64, "Employees' Group Insurance ", both of said accounts being <br />in the same category in the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund. <br />/s/ Walter M. Szymkowiak <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing on the resolution was held at this time. City Controller James A. Bickel said <br />that for the past several years the City has paid single coverage insurance for all City em- <br />ployees. The City was notified that effective June 1, 1971 the premium was increased. After a <br />meeting with insurance company officials, this date was changed to August 1, 1971; by then <br />there would be sufficient surplus in the account to provide the $2.50 per month per head for <br />the increased premium. This increase has already been projected in the 1972 budget. Councilman <br />Reinke moved for adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Craven. The resolution <br />passed by a roll call vote of 6 ayes, 0 nays, 3 absent (Councilmen Wise, Palmer and Zielinski). <br />