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REGULAR MEETING <br />REGULAR MEETING (Cont.) <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (Cont.) <br />ORDINANCE (Cont.) <br />SOUTH BEND CIVIC PLANNING ASSOCIATION, INC. <br />403 Lincolnway West South Bend, Indiana <br />OCTOBER 11, 1971 <br />Committee of the Whole October 11, 1971 <br />South Bend Common Council <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Mrs. Allen and Gentlemen: <br />Before you this evening is an ordinance authorizing the issuance of general obliga- <br />tion bonds of the City in the amount of $1,630,000 (as amended) to cover the cost of <br />several projects. Among these projects is purchase of land along the river for a <br />cultural center, improvement of Phase III of the airport industrial park, and im- <br />provements to the Morris Civic Auditorium, and land and building for a new fire <br />station. <br />The ordinance, as amended, eliminates the purchase and renovation of the Palais <br />Royale building as a convention center. We approve the elimination of this part of <br />the plan as we had made a study of the cost of operation and maintenance of the <br />Auditorium, as well as income, and felt the addition of the Palais would only in- <br />crease the cost to the taxpayers. This study showed that from 1959 through 1970 <br />the Auditorium budgets totalled $639,294.52 while the income was $198,335.11. <br />The estimated 1971 and 1972 budget total $127,413.27 and income <br />$42,500.00. <br />In addition may we call to your attention that the downtown renewal plan shows a <br />convention center at the south part, and this should be more than sufficient in <br />view of the many facilities already available in the area. <br />The cultural center plan is to be developed from private funds and this should be <br />followed very carefully by all concerned and involved. <br />The success of the development of the airport industrial park has helped this <br />community's economy, and the property taxpayers have shared in its cost. We wonder, <br />however, why consideration was not given to using some of the cumulative capital <br />improvement fund for at least part of this, and thus helping to relieve the burden <br />of the property taxpayer. We recommend that this particular part of the proposal <br />proceed very cautiously until the master plan for the development of the airport is <br />approved, and until we know just what direction the development is to take. Un- <br />fortunately the airport plan has played a small part in the Area Transportation <br />study. It is important that the plan be known as it could well affect federal fund <br />participation in the airport development. <br />In summary we of Civic Planning support the bond issue before you tonight, yet we <br />ask that our comments be kept in mind as the program develops and before funds are <br />expended. <br />Respectfully, <br />SOUTH BEND CIVIC PLANNING ASSOCIATION Inc. <br />/s/ Keith J. BonDurant <br />Keith J. BonDurant, President <br />center <br />Mr. Terry S. Miller, 1101 Bellevue, South Bend, Indiana asked if building a civic /required any <br />zoning changes, what buildings will be erected and if the money for building is to come from <br />the department of development. City Attorney Shepard.-J. Crumpacker answered that the plan <br />was done some years and zoning changes were made at that time with the marking of pertain areas <br />to be used for specific functions. Councilman Reinke commented that the land Wii purchased by <br />the City but improvements will be made by private enterprise. Mr. Bickel commented that a <br />half- million dollars was contributed by donations with specific funds for a civic center. Mr. <br />Miller then asked about the maintenance of these buildings questioning if such costs would fall <br />back on the City; if buildings are constructed privately and given to the City, the City has no <br />control over the outside costs of building and maintenance. Mr. Crumpacker agreed that there <br />were many details to be worked out between builders and the City. Councilman Reinke commented <br />that all funds will be donated before anything is started including funds for maintenance. Mr. <br />Miller stated he was 100% in favor of the plan but was wondering how it would be accomplished. <br />Councilman Janet Allen asked Mrs. Warner if a person making the donation for the civic center <br />would be independent about design, building, maintenance, etc. Mrs. Warner explained that civic <br />leaders would work with the City in a joint endeavor and Mr. Crumpacker said all concerned will <br />be satisfied. Councilman Laven questioned Mr. McGinty's statement concerning the Federal Grant <br />of $1,870,000. Mr. McGinty replied this would be accomplished by matching grants with the City <br />participating. Councilman Reinke made a statement regarding the amendment to the ordinance for <br />the general bond issue stating he was against the first one. He thanked the members of the <br />Civic Planning Association, Fair Tax Board, Mark's Restaurant and McDonald Studio for their <br />efforts in apprising the Council that this was not a wise ordinance as originally proposed. <br />Councilman Laven concurred with Mr. Reinke's statement that the purchase of the Palais Royale <br />was not a wise investment. He felt it was significant that, through the efforts of Mr. Bickel <br />and the Administration, when changes are made, the tax levy for 1972 will be reduced by 3 cents <br />because of this action. This is a reasonable action and the definite results will be benefi- <br />cial and he commended the Administration for listening to the citizens in this matter. <br />Councilman Craven made a motion that the ordinance, as amended, go to the Council as favorable. <br />The motion was seconded by Councilman Walter M. Szymkowiak. Motion carried. <br />