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• <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />REPORT FROM PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 <br />A report on an ordinance creating a single department of parks and recreation was given. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak reported that the ordinance was originally reported as unfavorable by the <br />Committee; and was then put back into Committee for further study. <br />REPORT FROM THE ANNEXATION COMMITTEE <br />"Your Annexation to whom was referred an ordinance annexing territory to the municipal city of <br />South Bend, Indiana, described as lying generally west of Hickory Road, South of the Toll Road, <br />East of Ivy Road and North of the present city limits recommends the passage of the ordinance <br />by the Common Council, subject to amendment of the legal description. <br />Attached hereto and made a part thereof this recommendation is the statistical data sheet, a <br />map of the area in question, time table for the rendering of city services, prepared by the <br />City Engineer and a certification of the board of Public Works & Safety as to the ordinance <br />meeting the legal requirements for annexation. <br />The committee further advises that on Thursday, September 23, 1971, public hearing was held by <br />the Annexation Committee at the Morris Civic Auditorium. The arguments were ably presented by <br />both sides at this meeting. The attorney for the owners of the property within the proposed <br />annexed area requests a public hearing be held before the Committee of the Whole Council and <br />also requests a postponement of such public hearing to a later date. <br />It is our opinion that this would serve no useful purpose therefore, we recommend the above <br />request be denied. <br />/s/ Robert O. Laven, Chairman" <br />There being no objections, the report was accepted as read and placed on file. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />Council President Laven entertained a motion to waive the reading of the report of the Com- <br />mittee of the Whole. Councilman Palmer so moved, seconded by Councilman Grounds. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />ORDINANCES, THIRD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5339 -71 <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE MUNICIPAL CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, DESCRIBED AS LYING GENERALLY <br />WEST OF HICKORY ROAD, SOUTH OF THE TOLL ROAD, EAST OF <br />IVY ROAD AND NORTH OF THE PRESENT CITY LIMITS, AS <br />AMENDED. (Maple Lane) <br />This ordinance was given third reading. Councilman Gerald C. Reinke made a motion for adoption <br />of a proposed amendment to this ordinance, and the motion was seconded by Councilman Grounds. <br />There was a discussion as to the reason for the change and Mr. Lloyd Taylor, City Engineer, was <br />asked to clarify same. Mr. Taylor explained there was a previous annexation of property in a <br />nearby area which the residents appealed and the matter was taken to court. The change was on <br />the West boundary which excludes Rosemary Lane. Mr. Taylor showed a map clarifying the pro- <br />posed boundaries. Council President Laven then asked for a show of hands from those in favor <br />of the amendment to the proposed ordinance. The vote was 5 ayes and 4 nays; the amendment was <br />adopted. Council President Laven then entertained a motion on the ordinance and Councilman <br />Reinke made a motion that the ordinance, as amended, be passed. Councilmen John V. Wise and <br />Janet Allen called a point of order. Councilman Janet Allen stated that the Council had not <br />received a report from the Committee of the Whole concerning this ordinance. Council President <br />Laven stated that the first and second reading and a public hearing on the ordinance were held <br />on Thursday, September 23, 1971 and it was asked for a report back to the Council at this par- <br />ticular meeting (September 27) for the third reading, asked City Attorney Shepard J. Crum - <br />packer if this was correct. Mr. Crumpacker confirmed said action had taken place. President <br />Laven then called for the pleasure of the Council on this ordinance and Councilman Reinke made <br />a motion that the ordinance, as amended, be passed, seconded by Councilman Grounds. Councilman <br />Wise made the statement that originally he had been an advocate of annexation if it was done in <br />an orderly fashion. He said there was nothing orderly about this annexation and further stated <br />there was no great rush. He commented he believed they had gone about as far they could con- <br />cerning annexation and if this ordinance was passed, he felt the Council should explain to his <br />constituants in the 4th District why they are not getting the services promised. He repeated <br />he was against this annexation because it is not being done in an orderly manner. Councilman <br />Reinke commented upon the school tax levy; the assessed valuation of Clay Township is $35,724.00 <br />with the 1971 school tax levy of $4.80 which brings the school tax to $1,714,766.00 leaving <br />$1,579,340.00 to be paid by South Bend; this is an unfair burden on the City of South Bend. He <br />commented on the Penn - Harris school system in Mishawaka stating that they are not included on <br />the city tax rate. Some 10 years ago when the referendum was voted on, Clay Township voted <br />against joining the school system of South Bend but now they are included and the educational <br />system of Clay Township is on the same level as that of South Bend and, in addition, Clay <br />students require bussing, which the City will continue to do. He stated he supported the <br />annexation. Councilman Janet Allen said she did not favor this annexation. She felt there <br />should be no further annexations until adequate services could be provided to those areas al- <br />ready annexed. She commented this was a most confused annexation ordinance and that the bound- <br />aries had been changed 3 times already and the small increase in revenue to the City was not <br />feasible grounds for this annexation. Council President Laven then asked Council Vice President <br />John Wise to take the Chair as he wished to make a statement pertinent to the discussion. Vice <br />