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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 14, 1971 <br />ORDINANCES, THIRD READING (Continued) <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5307 -71 <br />AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $290,850.00 FROM <br />THE LOCAL ROAD AND STREET FUND TO THE ACCOUNT <br />"SERVICES CONTRACTUAL" WITHIN THE LOCAL ROAD <br />AND STREET FUND <br />The ordinance was given third reading. Councilman Craven made a motion for passage of the <br />ordinance, seconded by Councilman Szymkowiak. There being no discussion on the motion, the <br />ordinance was passed by a roll call vote of 8 ayes (Councilmen Laven, Allen, Craven, Reinke, <br />Grounds, Szymkowiak, Wise and Palmer) 0 nays 1 absent (Councilman Zielinski) <br />ORDINANCES, FIRST AND SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING USE OF PORTIONS <br />OF COLUMBIA COURT BY MOTOR VEHICLES <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman . <br />Craven made a motion, seconded by Councilman Grounds, that the ordinance be set for public <br />hearing on June 28, 1971. Motion carried. 8 ayes 0 nays 1 absent (Councilman Zielinski) <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Councilman Allen requested that the city Clerk write a letter to the St. Joseph County <br />Commissioners in regards to installing a strip on the steps in the Council Chambers as <br />a safety device to prevent accidents. Council President Laven requested the City Clerk <br />to write a letter to the St. Joseph County Council to thank the members for their support <br />to the Michiana Area Council of Governments. <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Wise moved for <br />adjournment, seconded by Councilman Palmer. Time: 11;35 P. M. <br />ATTEST <br />APPROVED: <br />PRESIDENT <br />