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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 1970 <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION NO. 255 -70 <br />A RESOLUTION URGING STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF <br />CERTAIN STATUTES RELATING TO THE PUBLIC <br />PEACE AND SAFETY <br />WHEREAS, there is presently in force in the State of Indiana a statute dealing <br />with disorderly conduct which makes it a criminal offense to act in a loud, boisterous or <br />disorderly manner so as to disturb the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or family, by <br />loud or unusual noise, or by tumultuous or offensive behavior, or by quarreling, challeng- <br />ing to a fight, or fighting; and <br />WHEREAS, there is also presently in force in the State of Indiana a statute <br />dealing with rioting which makes it a criminal offense for three or more persons to do an <br />act in a violent and tumultuous manner; and <br />WHEREAS, there is also presently in force in the State of Indiana a statute <br />dealing with riotous conspiracy which makes it a felony for three or more persons to unite <br />for the purpose of doing any unlawful act in the night time, or while wearing caps, masks, <br />or being otherwise disguised; and <br />WHEREAS, there is also presently in force in the State of Indiana a statute <br />dealing with disturbance of public meetings which makes it a criminal offense for anyone, <br />by any loud or unnecessary talking or yelling, or by any threatening, abusive, profane or <br />obcene language or violent actions, or by any other rude behavior interrupts, molests or <br />disturbs any meeting of persons met together for any lawful purpose; and <br />WHEREAS, there is also presently in force in the State of Indiana a statute <br />dealing with routs or riots which makes it a misdemeanor for three or more persons to meet <br />together to do an unlawful act upon a common cause, and to make advances toward the commis- <br />sion thereof; and <br />WHEREAS, there is also presently in force in the state of Indiana a statute <br />dealing with the carrying of dangerous weapons which makes it a criminal offense to wear <br />or carry concealed a pistol, gun, bowie knife, switch -blade knife, or any knife the blade <br />of which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device <br />in the handle of the knife, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon, or to carry any such <br />weapon openly with the intent or avowed purpose of injuring someone; and <br />WHEREAS, there is also presently in force in the State of Indiana, a statute <br />dealing with the obstructing of firemen which makes it a criminal offense to intentionally <br />impede or interfere, or attempt to impede or interfere with any fireman performing his <br />emergency functions or duties as a fireman; and <br />WHEREAS, there is also presently in force in the State of Indiana a statute <br />dealing with resisting or interfering with a police officer which makes it a misdemeanor <br />to forcibly assault, resist, oppose, obstruct, prevent, impede or interfere with any <br />police officer_ while such officer is arresting or attempting to arrest any person, or <br />while such officer is engaged in the execution of any of the duties of a police officer; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, there is also presently in force in the State of Indiana a statute <br />dealing with assaults upon police officers which makes it a felony to draw, use or attempt <br />to use a firearm, deadly or dangerous weapon, or commit a bodily injury upon a police offi- <br />cer, knowing him to be a police officer, when such officer is arresting or attempting to <br />arrest any person, or while such officer is engaged in the execution of any of the duties <br />of a police officer; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana: <br />1. That in its opinion the prevention of <br />of the public; that such prevention o <br />and the rights of all of the citizens <br />tions of the United States and of the <br />preserved and protected by the strict <br />statutes. <br />crime is in the best interests <br />E crime may best be accomplished <br />as guaranteed by the Constitu- <br />State of Indiana may best be <br />enforcement of existing state <br />2. That the law enforcement officials of the City and County are urged <br />to put forth great effort in the enforcement of all laws dealing with <br />the preservation of public peace and safety within the City of South <br />Bend, and particularly the foregoing statutes. <br />3. That the news media cooperate with the-Council in conveying to the public <br />the information that all of-the above described acts are crimes and will <br />be cult with as such in the community. <br />4. That copies of this resolution be delivered by the Clerk to all officials <br />of the City and County charged with the responsibility for the enforce- <br />ment of the foregoing statutes. <br />/s/ Janet S. Allen <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the above resolution. Councilman Allen stated the <br />resolution was to advise the public that the above are crimes and should be dealt with <br />properly. Councilman Laven said there is no objection to peaceful demonstrations, but he <br />(Mr. Thomas Brown, address not given, questioned passing additional, new restrictive laws, <br />Councilman Allen said these laws mentioned in the Resolution are now on the books) <br />