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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 13, 1970 <br />ORDINANCES, FIRST AND SECOND READING CONT'D <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $900.00 FROM ACCOUNT Q -11, <br />"SERVICES PERSONAL ", TO ACCOUNT Q -221, <br />"ELECTRIC CURRENT ", IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />BUDGET, ALL BEING WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND. <br />M <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Zielinski <br />made a motion, seconded by Councilman Craven, that the ordinance be set for Public hearing on <br />October 26, 1970. Motion carried. 8 ayes (Councilmen Laven, Allen, Reinke, Craven, Grounds, <br />Szymkowiak, Palmer and Zielinski) 0 nays, 1 absent (Councilman Wise). <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,000.00 FROM ACCOUNT Q -11 <br />"SERVICES PERSONAL" TO ACCOUNT Q- 726, "OTHER <br />EQUIPMENT ", IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET, <br />ALL BEING WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND. <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Grounds <br />made a motion, seconded by Councilman Zielinski, that the ordinance be set for Public hearing on <br />October 26, 1970. Motion carried. 8 ayes (Councilmen Laven, Allen, Reinke, Craven, Grounds, <br />Szymkowiak, Palmer and Zielinski) 0 nays, 1 absent (Councilman Wise). <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1040, CHAPTER <br />26, SECTION 26 -13, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, PERTAINING TO <br />LOITERING. <br />The ordinance was not given first and second reading. Councilman Laven said this type of <br />matter, to be properly handled, should be submitted as a resolution. Councilman Laven entertair <br />a motion to omit this item ( #14) from the agenda. Councilman Craven so moved. Councilman <br />Zielinski seconded the motion. Motion carried.8 ayes, (Councilmen Laven, Allen, Reinke, Craven, <br />Grounds, Szymkowiak, Palmer and Zielinski) 0 nays, 1 absent (Councilman Wise). A motion to <br />amend Councilman Craven's motion was made by Councilman Allen as follows: item #14 be omitted <br />from the agenda and a resolution be submitted at the next meeting of the Council on October 26, <br />1970. Councilman Craven seconded the motion. Motion carried 8 ayes (Councilmen Laven, Allen, <br />Reinke, Craven, Grounds, Szymkowiak, Palmer and Zielinski) 0 nays, 1 absent (Councilmen Wise). <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION NO. 248 -70 <br />A RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE <br />GENERAL PARK FUND - $11,500.00. ALL TRANS- <br />FERS ARE BEING MADE IN THE SAME BUDGET <br />CLASSIFICATIONS WITHIN THE PARK GENERAL <br />FUND. <br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption of the <br />existing annual budget so that it is now necessary to transfer money from one account to another <br />in the same category in the annual budget for various functions of the Department of Public <br />Parks to meet such extraordinary emergencies and <br />WHEREAS, it has been ascertained that certain accounts in the Park General Fund have <br />more money than is needed at this time <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Section 1. That the following accounts be reduced in the amounts set opposite said <br />account to -suit: <br />Acct. No. <br />264 <br />374 <br />726 <br />Section 2. <br />account to -wit: <br />Classification <br />Item <br />Services Contractual Paving <br />Supplies Other Supplies, General <br />Properties Other Equipment <br />That the following accounts be increased in the amounts <br />Amount <br />$5,000.00 <br />3,500.00 <br />3,000.00 <br />$11,500.00 <br />set opposite said <br />252 <br />Services Contractual <br />Repairs to Equipment <br />$3,000.00 <br />261 <br />Services Contractual <br />Other Contractual Services <br />2,000.00 <br />321 <br />Supplies <br />Gasoline <br />2,000.00 <br />372 <br />Supplies <br />Zoo Feed <br />1,500.00 <br />722 <br />Properties <br />Motor Equipment <br />3 000.00 <br />$Tt11tVU.UU <br />That the <br />transfer of funds as set <br />forth in Sections 1 and 2 are <br />required for the proper <br />and efficient operation and function of the <br />Department of Public Parks of <br />South Bend and an <br />