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REGULAR MEETING <br />BUSINESS <br />AUGUST 24. 1970 <br />2T <br />ouncil President Laven said the Common Council cannot ignore the trash problem, therefore, he <br />roposed a study commission be appointed to study the issue. He said a 9 -man commission should <br />onsist of the representative groups involved, such as, trash haulers, city government, etc. <br />eeking to determine the adequacy of present trash removal service, identify areas that need <br />unicipal service, and determine if a joint, cooperative plan can be worked out between the city <br />nd the private haulers. Council President Laven entertained .a motion that the matter be <br />urned over to the Public Improvement Committee. Councilman Wise so moved, seconded by Councilman <br />rounds. Councilman Allen is Chairman of the Public Improvement Committee, however it was unan- <br />mously agreed that the motion include all Councilman as members of the Public Improvement <br />ommittee to study the issue. Motion carried unanimously. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. <br />he Council commended Mr. David Wells on his presentation of the administration's proposal <br />r the need of a City trash removal program. Mr. Wells is with the City Engineering Department. <br />ouncilman Zielinski presented a petition with signatures of residents in the 4600 and 4700 block <br />f West Parkway Street requesting the City not to slurry seal their street. <br />uncilman Allen announced that the Sign Ordinance #4303 -60 is being studied and she said she <br />els it perhaps needs some amendments. <br />here being no further business to come before the Council, Council President Laven entertained <br />motion for adjournment. Councilman Allen so moved, seconded by Councilman Zielinski. Motion <br />arried. Time: 10:35 p.m. <br />TTEST: <br />CLERK <br />APPROVED: <br />PRESIDENT <br />s <br />