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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 1970 <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />Council President Laven entertained a motion to waive the reading of the Committee of the Whole <br />Reports. Councilman Grounds so moved. Councilman Zielinski seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />ORDINANCES, THIRD READING <br />9RDINANCE NO. 5172 -70 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4990 -68, <br />AS AMENDED, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE ZONING <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />(Chapter 40, Municipal Code), AS AMENDED. <br />(600 ft. South of Ireland Rd. on Miami Road) <br />The Ordinance was given third reading. Councilman Allen made a motion, seconded by Councilman <br />Zielinski that the amendments be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. 1 absent (Councilman <br />Wise) <br />Councilman Reinke made a motion for passage of the Ordinance. Councilman Palmer seconded the <br />motion. Therebeing no discussion on the motion, the Ordinance was passed by a roll call vote <br />of 8 ayes (Councilmen Laven, Allen, Reinke, Craven, Grounds, Szymkowiak, Palmer and.Zielinski) <br />0 nays, 1 absent (Councilman Wise). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5171 -70 <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND CERTAIN TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS THERETO. <br />(Lilac, Darden & Brick Roads) <br />The Ordinance was given third reading. Councilman Grounds made a motion for passage of the <br />Ordinance. Councilman Szymkowiak seconded the motion. There being no discussion on the motion, <br />the Ordinance was passed by a roll call vote of 6 ayes (Councilmen Laven, Allen, Reinke, Grounds, <br />Szymkowiak, and Zielinski) 2 nays (Coundlmen Craven and Palmer) 1 absent (Councilman Wise) <br />ORDINANCES, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />16124-by <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE <br />WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA AND E. L. ZIMMERMAN COM- <br />PANY, INCORPORATED OF MISHAWAKA, INDIANA FOR <br />THE INSTALLATION OF PUMPS IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$25,325.00 <br />The Ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Zielinski <br />made a motion, seconded by Councilman Craven, that the Ordinance be set for Public hearing on <br />April 28, 1970. Motion carried. <br />OBI�INANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION <br />TO ACCOUNT 52, "RENTS ", IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$1,500.00 AND THE TRANSFER OF SAID SUM FROM <br />ACCOUNT 213, "TRAVELING EXPENSES ", IN THE <br />DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT, ALL BEING WITHIN <br />THE REDEVELOPMENT FUND. <br />The Ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Reinke <br />made a motion, seconded by Councilman Craven, that the Ordinance be set for Public hearing on <br />April 28, 1970. Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE MUNICIPAL <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, GENERALLY DESCRIBED <br />AS THE GILMER PARK ANNEXATION. <br />The Ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Grounds <br />made a motion, seconded by Councilman Reinke, that the Ordinance be set for Public hearing on <br />April 28, 1970. Motion carried. <br />