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4 <br />REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1968 <br />RRgnTJTTT(1N3 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 193 -68 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND APPROVING THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN AND <br />THE FEASIBILITY OF RELOCATION FOR THE CENTRAL DOWNTOWN <br />PROJECT. PROJECT NUMBER IND. R -66 <br />WHEREAS, under the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Department of Housing <br />and Urban Development Administrator is authorized to provide financial assistance to Local Public Agencies <br />for undertaking and carrying out urban renewal projects; and <br />WHEREAS, it is provided in such Act that contracts for financial aid there -under shall require that the <br />Urban Renewal Plan for the respective project area be approved by the governing body of the locality in <br />which the project is situated and that such approval include findings by the governing body that: (1) <br />the financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in <br />accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan; (2) the Urban Renewal Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consis- <br />tent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban <br />renewal area by private enterprise; (3) the Urban Renewal Plan conforms to a general plan for the development <br />of the locality as a whole; and (4) the Urban Renewal Plan gives due consideration to the provision of ade- <br />quate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special <br />consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site <br />covered by the Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Department of Redevelopment (herein called the "Local Public Agency "), has <br />entered into a planning contract for financial assistance under such Act with the United States of America, <br />acting by and through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, pursuant to which Federal funds were <br />provided for the urban renewal project (herein called the "Project "), identified as "Central Downtown Project" <br />and encompassing the area bounded by a line drawn as follows: <br />Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the <br />north right -of -way line of LaSalle Avenue and the west <br />right -of -way line of Main Street; thence south along the <br />west right -of -way line of Main Street to the north right - <br />of -way line of Washington Street; thence west along the <br />north right -of -way line of Washington Street to the west <br />right -of -way line of LaFayette Boulevard; thence south <br />along the west right -of -way line of LaFayette Boulevard <br />to the south right -of -way line of Jefferson Boulevard; <br />thence east along the south right -of -way line of Jefferson <br />Boulevard to the west right -ofway line of Main Street; thence <br />south along the west right -of -way line of Main Street to the <br />south right -of -way line of Monroe Street; thence east along <br />the south right -of -way line of Monroe Street to the west <br />right -of -way line of Fellows Street; thence south along the <br />west right -of -way line of Fellows Street to the south right - <br />of -way line of Monroe Street; thence east along the south <br />right -of -way line of Monroe Street and proceeding in a north- <br />easterly direction along said right -of -way line to the center <br />of the St. Joseph River; thence proceeding in a northwesterly <br />direction along the center of the St. Joseph River to the <br />north right -of -way line of LaSalle Avenue to the west <br />right -of -way line of Main Street which is the point of be- <br />ginning. <br />in the City of South Bend, State of Indiana, (herein called the "Locality "); and <br />WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has applied for additional financial assistance under such Act and proposes <br />to enter into an additional contract or contracts with the Department of Housing and Urban Development for <br />the undertaking of, and for making available additional financial assistance for the Project; and <br />WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has made detailed studies of the location, physical condition of structures, <br />land use, environmental influences, and the social, cultural, and economic conditions of the Project area and <br />has determined that the area is a blighted area and that it is detrimental and a menance to the safety, health, <br />and welfare of the inhabitants and users thereof and of the Locality at large, because of the presence of <br />blighted structures and the lack of adequate community improvements, and the members of this Governing Body <br />have been fully appraised by the Local Public Agency and are aware of these facts and conditions; and <br />WHEREAS, there has been prepared and referred to the Common Council of the Locality (herein called the <br />"Governing Body ") for review and approval of an Urban Renewal Plan for the Project area, dated November 15, <br />1967, and consisting of 41 pages, supported by the Final Project Report material data, and recommendations, <br />which material, data, and recommendations are not a part of the Urban Renewal Plan. <br />WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Plan has been approved by the Governing Body of the Local Public Agency, as evi- <br />denced by the copy of said Body's duly- certified resolution approving the Urban Renewal Plan, which is attached <br />thereto; and <br />WHEREAS, a general plan has been prepared and is recognized and used as a guide for the general development <br />of the Locality as a whole; and <br />WHEREAS, the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, which is the duly- designated and acting official <br />planning body for the Locality, has submitted to the Governing Body its report and recommendations respecting <br />said Urban Renewal Plan for the Project area and has certified that said Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the <br />said general plan for the Locality as a whole, and the Governing Body has duly considered said report, re- <br />commendations, and certification of the planning body; and <br />