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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 26 1968 <br />PETITIONS (continued) <br />A parcel of land in St. Joseph County, Indiana described as beginning at the North West Corner of the North <br />East Quarter of Section 5, Township 37 North, Range 3 East; thence South along the West line of said North East <br />Quarter a distance of 785 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the North line of said Section a distance of <br />267.3 feet; thence North parallel with West line of said North East Quarter a distance of 576.44 feet; thence West <br />195.3 feet; thence North 208.56 feet to the North line of said Section; thence West along the North line of said <br />Section a distance of 72 feet to the place of beginning. <br />From A Residential Use and A Height and Area District. <br />To B Residential Use and A Height and Area District. <br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and the following building will be <br />constructed. <br />A Nursing Home consisting of one building, one story, 50 bed unit. <br />6. Number of off street parking spaces to be provided. Fifty -six (56) <br />7. Attached is a copy of: a.) an existing plot plan showing my property and other surrounding properties: <br />b.) names and addresses of all the individuals, firms or corporations owning property within 300 feet of the <br />property sought to be rezoned; c.) site development plan. <br />ST. JOSEPH VALLEY NURSING HOME, INC. <br />By: B. M. Sancelo <br />Signature of Petitioner <br />2254 Portage Avenue, South Bend, Ind. 46618 <br />Joseph T. Helling Councilman Grounds made a motion the petition be referred to the Area Plan <br />224 West Jefferson Blvd. Commission. Councilman Szymkowiak seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />South Bend, Indiana, 46601 <br />Petition prepared by <br />Phone: 232 -2031 <br />ORDINANCES, THIRD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5031 -68 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA -1962, SECTION 40 AS <br />AMENDED AND GENERAL ORDINANCE NO. 4990 -68, AND <br />THE ACCOMPANYING MAP THERETO, GENERALLY KNOWN AS <br />THE SOUTH BEND ZONING ORDINANCE BY CHANGING THE <br />CLASSIFICATION OF THE USE DISTRICT FOR A CERTAIN <br />PARCEL OF LAND. (Michigan and Woodside) <br />The Ordinance was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 9 ayes, (Councilmen Laven, Allen, <br />Craven, Reinke, Grounds, Szymkowiak, Wise, Palmer, and Zielinski). 0 absent. <br />ORDINANCES, THIRD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5027 -68 <br />AN ORDINANCE FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION <br />TO ACCOUNT M -252, "REPAIRS OF EQUIPMENT" IN. <br />THE AMOUNT OF $150.00 AND THE TRANSFER OF SAID <br />SUM FROM ACCOUNT M -722, "MOTOR EQUIPMENT" IN <br />THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, ALL BEING WITHIN THE <br />GENERAL FUND. <br />The Ordinance was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 6 ayes, (Councilmen Laven, Reinke, <br />Szymkowiak, Wise, Palmer, Zielinski) 3 nays, (Councilman Allen; Craven, and Grounds), 0 absent. <br />ORDINANCES, THIRD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5028 -68 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE PURPOSE <br />OF DEFRAYING THE EXPENSES OF ALL BUDGET OPERATED <br />DEPARTMENTS OF THE CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1969, AND <br />ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1969, INCLUDING DEPARTMENTS, FUNDS, <br />AND COMMISSIONS FOR WHICH MONEY IS APPROPRIATED IN WHOLE <br />OR IN PART, FROM THE GENERAL FUND AND FROM FUNDS.OTHER <br />THAN THE GENERAL FUND, OF SAID CITY TO -WIT: BARK DEPARTMENT, <br />FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND, POLICE PENSION FUND, URBAN REDEVELOP- <br />MENT FUND, URBAN REDEVELOPMENT BOND FUND, HUMAN RELATIONS <br />AND;."FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES COMMISSION FUND, BUILDING <br />DEMOLITION, REPAIR AND CONTINGENT FUND, PARK DISTRICT FUND, <br />GENERAL SINKING FUND, HOSPITAL FUND, ART ASSOCIATION FUND, <br />MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY FUND AND THE CUMULATIVE CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT FUND: PROVIDING THAT SUCH APPROPRIATIONS SHALL <br />INCLUDE OUTSTANDING CLAIMS AND OBLIGATIONS: FIXING THE <br />SALARIES OF ALL CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES, REPEALING ALL <br />ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH: PROVIDING <br />A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT. AS AMENDED <br />The Ordinance was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 9 ayes, (Councilmen Laven, Allen, <br />Craven, Reinke, Grounds, Szymkowiak, Wise, Palmer, and Zielinski). 0 absent. <br />