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REGULAR MEETING MAY 13, 1968 <br />REPORT OF AREA COMMISSION (continued) <br />e. Water Works - The Water Works has indicated that they would have no difficulty in supplying <br />water service to the area. Since the area is presently undeveloped, any development would re- <br />quire the developer to install the necessary mains. <br />f. Street Department - Since the area is undeveloped, any street construction would be to the <br />city standards and therefore maintenance would be at a minimum. <br />g. Engineering Department - The City Engineer has reviewed the petition for annexation of Crest <br />9 and 10, and find that their use of the city sewer and water services will not create any serious <br />problems to the City of South Bend in that the existing southeast trunk sewer touches the north <br />boundary of the proposed annexation and is adequate in size and capacity to handle the load of the <br />annexed area. <br />is <br />The subject area will include a retention basin to handle storm water which /in overall conformance <br />with the plan for storm and sanitary sewage handling in this area. <br />City water is also available to the area and is in conformance with the master plan as prepared by <br />the firm of Clyde E. Williams and Associates for the Water Department of the City of South Bend. <br />h. Park Department - The Park Department, in cooperation with the South Bend Community School <br />Corporation has plans to develop a playfield south of Hamilton School, which will be within a <br />short distance of the annexation area. No additional expense will be required from this depart- <br />ment if the annexation is accepted. <br />3. ANNEXATION DETERMINANTS: <br />a. THE ANNEXATION IS IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY AND OF THE TERRITORY SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED. <br />Annexation of this area would provide municipal facilities and services to the area. Since the <br />area has soil and high water problems and development cannot take place under county standards, <br />it appears to be in the best interests that the area be annexed and serviced with municipal facili- <br />ties. <br />b. THE AREA IS URBAN IN CHARACTER, BEING AN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PART OF THE ANNEXING CITY. <br />All areas adjacent to the municipal boundaries can presently be considered urban in character <br />and an economic and social part of the municipality. <br />c. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE ORDINANCE ARE FAIR AND JUST. <br />There are no terms or conditions set forth in the ordinance. <br />d. THE CITY IS FINANCIALLY ABLE TO PROVIDE MUNICIPAL SERVICES TO THE ANNEXED AREA WITHIN THE <br />REASONABLY NEAR FUTURE. <br />As discussed previously, providing city services to this area would pose no hardship or <br />financial burden to the City at this time, however, as additional annexation takes place additional <br />services will be required by both the Police and Fire Departments. <br />e. THE AREA SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED, IF UNDEVELOPED, IS NEEDED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY IN THE <br />REASONABLY NEAR FUTURE. <br />The owners of the property have petitioned for annexation in order to develop under city <br />standards and with city facilities and development will take place immediately after annexation. <br />f. THE LINES OF THE ANNEXATION ARE SO DRAWN AS TO FORM A COMPACT AREA ABUTTING THE MUNICIPALITY. <br />The municipal boundaries in this area presently meander along property lines, however, the area <br />in contiguous to the city limits and would not greatly add to this meandering. Consideration should be <br />be given to choosing logical and natural boundaries to eliminate any unnecessary meandering of the muni- <br />cipal boundaries. <br />4. SUMMARY: <br />The area is comprised of approximately 13 acres of vacant land. City Services are essential to the <br />development of this property because of poor soil conditions and a high water table restricting development <br />under County standards. Most any area contiguous to incorporated boundaries can be considered as in integral <br />part of the urban pattern by nature of its location, therefore, extension of the municipal boundaries in <br />this instance would not greatly add to the meandering of the municipal boundaries along property lines <br />and it appears the boundary as proposed could be considered compact. The annexation area, in summary, <br />meets the six determinants of annexation; complies with the criteria set forth in the annexation study <br />and is located within the generalized annexation limits established in this study. <br />C©uncilman Craven moved the report be accepted and referred to the Annexation Committee. Councilman <br />Zielinski seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCES, THIRD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 4997 -68 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND-SUPPLEMENTING.- <br />CHAPTER 40.:OF':'THE MUNICIPAL 'CODE OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />(209 -215 E. Ohio) <br />The Ordinance was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote 9 ayes, (Councilmen, Laven, Allen, <br />Craven, Reinke, Grounds, Szymkowiak, Wise, Palmer, and Zielinski). 0 nays, 0 absent. <br />ORDINANCES, THIRD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 4998 -68 <br />