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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 13 1973 <br />IREGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />In Re: A proposed ordinance and site development plan of James R. Kelly <br />(Ridgedale Nursing Home) to revise a previously approved site plan, <br />property located at the southwest corner of Ironwood Drive and <br />Ridgedale Road, City of South Bend <br />Gentlemen: <br />The attached petition of James R. Kelly was legally advertised October 6, and <br />October 13, 1973. The Area Plan Commission gave it public hearing October 16, 1973, <br />at which time the matter was tabled. The petition again came on to be heard at a <br />special meeting of the Area Plan Commission November 6, 1973, at which time the following <br />action was taken: <br />"Upon a motion by Russell Rothermel being seconded by Ted Sharp and <br />carried, with John Peddycord and Roger Parent abstaining, the petition <br />of James R. Kelly (Ridgedale Nursing Home) to revise a previously <br />approved site plan, property located at the southwest corner of Ironwood <br />Drive and Ridgedale Road, City of South Bend, is favorably recommended to <br />the Common Council by the Area Plan Commission." <br />The deliberations of the Area Plan Commission and points considered in arriving <br />at the above decision are shown in excerpts of the minutes and will be forwarded to you <br />at a later date to be made a part of this report. <br />Very truly yours, <br />s/ Richard S. Johnson <br />RSJ:lari Executive Director <br />enclosures <br />cc: Joseph T. Helling <br />Councilman Taylor made a motion that the ordinance referred to in the report be set for public <br />hearing and second reading on November 26, 1973, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion <br />carried. <br />IREPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />Dr. John Kromkowski, Director of the Department of Human Resources and Economic Development, made <br />his quarterly report to the Council. He stated that, regarding the Economic Development Commissio <br />in the nine months of this year, the commission had outdone itself nearly twice as much as last <br />year. He also stated that a number of prospects are in the offering. He introduced Mr. Kent <br />Wilcox, Deputy Director of the Community Development Program, who was to speak regarding the <br />Housing Authority. He indicated that his work as deputy director was a reflection of the overall <br />strategy that Dr. Kromkowski has worked on. He stated that the local Housing Authority has <br />operated almost completely outside the realm of city government. He indicated that it was <br />attempting to draw closer into the government. The authority is governed by five commissioners <br />appointed by the Mayor. Presently, there are approximately 570 units of public housing combined <br />with a development program which would produce in the next two years approximately 150 more units. <br />There are approximately 175 "lease" units available. Presently, there is a staff of 35 persons, <br />most of which are in the area of maintenance. There are four cars and six trucks within the <br />authority. The funds come from the rents and the money received from the federal government. On <br />annual contribution contracts, the city is given the funds to operate the Housing Authority. He <br />stated that the outlook for federal funds in the area of public housing was very bleak, and the <br />full intent of the present administration was to turn public housing over to the localities to <br />manage. He indicated that the federal government has not been able to manage it and soon the city <br />would be faced with the problem. He indicated that the form of federal assistance in the future <br />would be housing allotment similar to a food stamp program. This would be handled on an individual <br />basis where the individual would be the person going out and seeking the housing. He concluded <br />that the only housing program that would be funded would be the Section 23 Lease Program where the <br />Housing Authority goes out and leases homes and then, in turn, subleases to individuals. Council <br />President Nemeth thanked Dr. Kromkowski and Mr. Wilcox for their presentations. <br />(PETITIONS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE <br />I (We), the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of <br />South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, the following <br />facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at 1104 Notre Dame Avenue, <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />2. The property is owned by The National Bank and Trust Company of South Bend, <br />Guardian for Jack and Lucile Young. <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />Lots Numbered 50, 51 and 52 as shown on the recorded Plat of Sorin's <br />Second Addition to the Town of Lowell, now within and a part of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, in St. Joseph County. <br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned <br />from "A" Residence Use and "A" Height and Area District to "B" Residence <br />Use and "B" Height and Area District. <br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and the <br />following building(s) will be constructed (include number of dwelling units <br />if residential) : <br />No buildings will be constructed, the existing improvements will be <br />utilized as a drug abuse center by the Mental Health Association of St. <br />Joseph County, for the in- and out - patient treatment of drug abuse. <br />