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56 <br />REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 22 1973 <br />II COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />hearing held in the past when only seven persons had attended. He concluded by stating that he <br />would vote in favor.of the no- burning ordinance. Councilman Kopczynski wondered what produced the <br />most pollution - -the actual burning of leaves or the pollution caused by the heavy equipment being <br />used to pick up the leaves. He felt this was important to consider because the internal combustion <br />engine was the biggest contributor to the pollution problem. He was of the opinion that the worse <br />cause should be handled first. He stated that he would appreciate some facts and figures from the <br />American Society of Civil Engineers and not just opinions on the leaf burning. Councilman Horvath <br />indicated that the councilmen had a hard job to do, but he felt a councilman must do what he felt <br />was right for the citizens. He wondered if the burning of trash might be started again because of <br />the leaf burning being allowed. He indicated that the Street Department was criticized for the job <br />done last year; however, the fall had been very wet and the leaves could not be picked up with the <br />equipment. He mentioned the time factor also involved last year. He felt the leaf -vac had done a <br />sufficient job in view of the wetness of the fall last year and the amount of rain that had fallen. <br />He defended the administration because they had tried to solve the problem last year. He stated <br />that he opposed leaf burning and indicated that those same people who were in favor of the burning <br />would be the first to complain about the burning of trash and garbage because he felt this would be <br />started by allowing the citizens to burn leaves. Council President Nemeth stated that it appeared <br />that the residents did not want to burn the leaves but have no other way to dispose of them. He <br />indicated that the Mayor had stated that he would try to take care of the problem. As he saw it, <br />the ordinance could either be passed, defeated or amended to allow the Mayor to specify a period of <br />time for the burning. He felt the latter was putting a great deal of responsibility upon the Mayo <br />especially in light of the fact that the Mayor opposed leaf burning. Council President Nemeth did <br />not feel this would be feasible or workable. He stated that another solution would be to refer the <br />ordinance to .a committee to study the effects of leaf burning on the environment. He further <br />indicated that the'cost of leaf pickup would also have to be considered including manpower, land- <br />fills, and maintenance and operation, and the newly annexed areas of the city. He felt the same <br />problem would arise in coming years. He suggested that the facts and figures be brought to the <br />Council for.consideration in the hopes of perhaps finding a solution to the problem. Mrs. Irene K. <br />Gammon, City Clerk, asked permission of the Council to speak. She indicated that she had been <br />offended by the remark made by one of the councilman insinuating that the people who wanted to bur <br />the leaves would also burn garbage. She stated that the residents in Bercliff Estates owned homes <br />valued between $25,000 and $50,000 with one home being valued at $75,000 and even possibly $100,000 <br />She stated that those people would not burn their garbage and trash and that they only wanted to be <br />able to burn the great abundance of leaves in the area. Councilman Horvath came to his defense, <br />indicating that he had not implied that. He stated that he felt the burning would only "open a <br />can of worms" which would lead to the burning of garbage and trash. He felt that the same people <br />that advocated the leaf burning would be the people to object when some of the citizens started <br />burning trash. Chairman Newburn indicated that, until a solution was found, he felt the burning <br />should be allowed. He stated that the Mayor and administration had made the first move for pur- <br />chasing the vac machines; however, he felt the problem was not resolved and, until it was, burning <br />should be allowed for certain periods of time. Councilman Kopczynski stated that political supress, <br />is one of the greatest problems the people are faced with. Mayor Miller stated that, last year, th' <br />Street Department had done a good job on removing leaves within the community in a three -week peril, <br />He stated that the circumstances were very difficult at that time. He explained that the vac packs, <br />were two pieces of equipment purchased for the Sanitation Department and the sucker -type equipment' <br />was installed with the hopes of picking up the leaves. He felt that perhaps there was a special <br />type of equipment but the city could not afford to purchase the equipment that would only be used <br />for the pickup of leaves. He felt that only 10% to 15% of the people in the community have a serio <br />problem with the leaves and that the money must come from'-.the taxpayers in order to take care of <br />the problem. He talked about the cutback of employees in the Sanitation Department. He stated <br />that, if the money was given to him, he could solve the problem; however, the problem would not be'i <br />solved by the suggestions made and the purchase of two or three machines would not solve the proble <br />either. He again commended the Street Department for its work because of the circumstances involve, <br />He stated that he would go along with the Council's recommendation. He added that visability pro -! <br />blems result from the burning besides the pollution problem. Councilman Taylor recommended to <br />Councilman Parent that at least the burning should be allowed according to the Health Department. <br />Council President Nemeth stated that the leaves only fall at certain times; therefore, the burning <br />done would only be done during those times. Councilman Parent indicated that his amendment would <br />still allow the Council to study the matter. He stated that it was only a stop -gap measure. There <br />was a call for the question. Councilman Parent's motion was defeated. At that time, Councilman <br />Parent requested a roll call vote on the issue. The motion was defeated by a roll call vote of <br />four ayes (Councilmen Serge, Miller, Parent and Newburn) and five nays (Councilmen Szymkowiak, <br />Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath and Nemeth). <br />Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion to take a recess, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The moti <br />carried. Recessed at 9:55 p.m. Reconvened at 10:14 p.m. Councilman Parent made a motion to amen <br />the ordinance by the addition of the following in Section 13 -76 (a): "except that leaf burning <br />will be allowed from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the following times during the year: from October <br />to November 15 and from April 15 to May 15 of each year." Councilman Kopczynski seconded the <br />motion. The motion carried. A roll call vote was requested, whereupon the Chairman declared that <br />the motion had passed. Councilman Parent then made a motion to amend Section 13 -77 of the ordinan <br />by adding the following after the figure "$300.0011: "to which may be added imprisonment ". Counci <br />President Nemeth seconded the motion. The motion was defeated. Councilman Kopczynski then made a <br />motion to amend Section 13 -77 of the ordinance by changing the minimum fine from $25 to $10 and th <br />maximum fine from $300 to $100, seconded by Councilman Szymkowiak. Councilman Taylor asked for a <br />legal opinion on the amendment. He wondered if the Council could change the amount of the fine. <br />He stated that he did feel the ordinance as proposed carried too rigid a penalty. Deputy City <br />Attorney Robert Parker advised the Council that they could do so; however, he indicated that, <br />because the imprisonment clause had been taken out of the ordinance, the reference to the 30 -day <br />period should also be deleted as it pertained to the prison sentence. Councilman Miller made a <br />motion to strike the imprisonment clause, seconded by Councilman Taylor. The motion carried. <br />Councilman Parent then made a motion, after a call for the question on the amendment changing the <br />fine to a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $100 and the motion being carried, that the ordinance go <br />to the Council as favorable, as amended, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. A roll call vote was <br />requested. The motion carried by a roll call vote of five ayes (Councilmen Serge, Parent, <br />Kopczynski, Newburn and Nemeth) and four nays (Councilmen Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor and Horvath). <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL ORDINANCE NO. <br />5053 -69 REGULATING THE PRESENCE OF MINORS <br />UNDER THE FULL AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS ON <br />s <br />n <br />