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IICOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />Councilman Kopczynski made a motion that <br />Councilman Parent. The <br />he indicated that he had <br />him out of order. <br />At this <br />have a <br />Avenue, <br />motion carried. <br />wanted to make <br />the ordinance go to the Council as.favorable, seconded by <br />Councilman Szymkowiak voiced objection to the motion becau <br />a few comments concerning the rate. Chairman Newburn ruled <br />time, Councilman Miller made a motion to rescind the motion to postpone to October 22 and <br />public hearing on the rezonings for Kinyon Street, the Scottsdale Mall property and Prairie <br />seconded by Councilman Parent. The motion carried. <br />II ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 4990 -68, CHAPTER 40 OF THE <br />MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, FORMERLY REFERRED TO AS ZONING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 3702, AS AMENDED (1404 KINYON <br />STREET) . <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Larry Ambler, 215 West Marion Street, repre- <br />senting the petitioner, made the presentation for the ordinance. He explained the request for <br />rezoning to the C -1 Commercial District. He indicated that the petition had originally been filed <br />for "C" zoning; however, upon the recommendation of the Area Plan Commission, the request was now <br />for C -1 zoning. He stated that the beauty shop was previously rented near Elwood Street. He <br />indicated that Mrs. Loughlin would be moving her beauty shop into a home near a fire station, a <br />Burger Dairy Store, a laundromat, etc. He stated that the area, for the most past, was commercial. <br />He referred to a slide of the property, and he explained that immediately to the south, lots are <br />owned by Van Buren's Market. He indicated that Mrs. Loughlin was requesting the zone phange <br />because of rising prices. He stated that she previously paid rent and now wished to establish her <br />business in the home. He explained that her lease for the property she previously rented had <br />expired. He also stated that the Area Plan Commission had made a favorable recommendation regardin <br />the rezoning request. Mr. Ambler also pointed out that the 1995 projected outlook for the area <br />showed it to be "C" Commercial. He indicated that the lots, at present, are unimproved and that th <br />house in which Mrs. Loughlin would have her business would remain looking like a house. <br />Mrs. Elaine Abell, 1502 Kinyon Street, presented a remonstrance to the City Clerk. She indicated <br />that she was acting in the absence of Mrs. Burkus of 1707 Portage Avenue who could not attend the <br />meeting because of surgery being performed on a member of her family. She expressed the feeling of <br />the remonstrators that the rezoning would not be of any good to the neighborhood. She indicated <br />that one of the councilman had indicated that he wished to see the neighborhoods preserved and the <br />residents within the area also felt the same way. Mrs. James Reid, 1647 Portage, indicated that <br />she felt the Council has been very wise, in the past, in not extending commercial zoning north of <br />Bulla Street. She indicated that the residents were trying to keep the neighborhood as it was, and <br />she felt that, if commercial zoning starts coming in, the neighborhood would be spoiled. She asked <br />if Mrs. Loughlin planned to live in the home, and Mrs. Loughlin answered that she would not. Mrs. <br />Margaret Sabaleski, 1745 Kessler Boulevard, indicated that the Council had not approved the rezonin <br />however, she stated that the beauty shop is already in operation. She stated that this gave the <br />appearance that the matter was "already cut and dried ". Mr. James Roemer, City Attorney, stated <br />that;: just because the business was already in operation, it did not mean the Council was legally <br />affected by that fact. Mr. Ambler stated that there was a sign on the premises;-however, it had <br />been sold to Portage Salvage. He indicated that the sign was the old sign that Mrs. Loughlin had <br />used and would not be used for her new establishment. He indicated that Mrs. Loughlin has had <br />electricians at the home because the building will have to be re -wired should the Council approve <br />the rezoning. He also stated that the reason her equipment was already in the house was because <br />her lease had expired and she needed a place to keep her equipment. Chairman Newburn indicated <br />that the Council was now holding the public hearing on the rezoning request and that the matter was <br />not "cut and dried" as Mrs. Sabaleski had been led to believe. Mr. Ambler apologized for his late <br />arrival at the Council meeting and the confusion caused because of it. Mrs. Sabaleski stated that <br />the whole business was already set up. She felt Mrs. Loughlin had anticipated that the rezoning <br />would go through and she did not think this was right. Mrs. Abell felt the Area Plan Commission <br />had not made a thorough investigation of the situation. She indicated that the whole block was <br />residential. She wondered why Mrs. Loughlin could not move into the home and make it her residence <br />and establish her business elsewhere in order to help preserve the neighborhood. Mr. William <br />Dvorak, 1628 Portage Avenue, indicated that the property in question bordered closer to his home <br />than any of the other homes in the area. He stated that, two doors from his home, there was a fire <br />station and on the other side were two apartment houses. He stated that behind his home was an <br />insurance office. He felt the rezoning of 1404 Kinyon Street would not interfere with anything. H <br />stated that the shop would close at a certain time and that there were many other uses that the <br />property could be put to that would be far more detrimental to the neighborhood. He felt the peopl <br />in the immediate vicinity should be concerned about the rezoning; however, he indicated that many <br />of the remonstrators did not live within the same block. He also stated that the area was not <br />strictly residential as had been indicated by Mrs. Abell. Mrs. Reid indicated that apartment <br />houses were allowed in a "B" Residential District which the area was. She felt that the rezoning <br />to commercial was an example of spot zoning. <br />Councilman Serge indicated that he had mixed emotions about the rezoning. He stated that, right <br />across the street, a doctor has purchased property and heavy equipment has been sitting on the <br />property. He felt that Mrs. Loughlin took for granted the decision of the Council upon the recomm <br />dation of the Area Plan Commission before the Council even had held a public hearing. He stated <br />that, because a remonstrance bearing about 300 signatures had been presented, he was not in favor <br />of the rezoning. Councilman Kopczynski felt that the small businessman was being stifled by the <br />government. He felt these services were needed in the community and the expenses were very great. <br />He was of the opinion that a small beauty shop should even be allowed in a "B" Residential Distric <br />He wondered what -the real objection to the rezoning was. He asked if the people within 300 feet <br />had been notified of the request, and Mr. Ambler indicated that all property owners within 300 fee <br />had been notified and there had been no remonstrances filed at the Area Plan Commission hearing. <br />Councilman Kopczynski stated that it appeared that many of the signatures were of residents not <br />even living in the area. Mrs. Reid indicated that she lived within a half block of the property <br />in question. Mr. James Roemer, City Attorney, clarified the point about the property owners withi <br />300 indicating that the 300 feet area only applied to the notices. He stated that anyone <br />can remonstrate. Councilman Miller indicated that the Area Plan Commission map did not show the <br />property in question to be commercial. Mr. Ambler indicated to Councilman Miller that the propert <br />