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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 1973 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />Section "K "; thence West, parallel with the South line of <br />Ridgedale Road a distance of 687.79 feet to the East Lot line <br />of Lot 647, Twyckenham Hills Addition, Section "K "; thence <br />North, parallel with the West line of Ironwood Road a distance <br />of 430 feet to the South line of Ridgedale Road, thence East <br />along the South line of Ridgedale Road, a distance of 687.66 <br />feet to the place of beginning, containing approximately 6.75 <br />acres, located in the Municipal City of South Bend, St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana. <br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned from <br />"B" Residence Use and "A" Height and Area District to "B" Residence Use <br />and "A" Height and Area District. <br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and <br />the following building will be constructed: Expanded and modified <br />single story brick Nursing and Extended Care facility for the care of <br />recuperating and invalid patients to accommodate patients and <br />a staff of administrative and nursing personnel. (Single story <br />residential type structure already in use at Northwest corner as <br />real estate office). <br />6. Number of off street parking spaces to be provided: spaces to be <br />provided for new Nursing Home (25 parking spaces already provided in <br />connection with real estate office). <br />7. Attached is a copy of (a) an existing plot plan showing my property and <br />other surrounding properties; (b) names and addresses of all the individuals, <br />firms or corporations owning property within 300 feet of the property sought <br />to be rezoned; (c) site development plan. <br />s/ James J. Kelly <br />Signature of Petitioner <br />Petition Prepared By: <br />Joseph T. Helling 3636 Newport Avenue <br />Crumpacker, May, Levy and Searer Fort Wayne, Indiana <br />224 West Jefferson Boulevard <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that action on the three petitions would be deferred until the <br />first reading of the zoning ordinances. <br />ORDINANCES, SECOND READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5563 -73 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 4990 -68, CHAPTER 40 OF THE <br />MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, FORMERLY REFERRED TO AS ZONING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 3702, AS AMENDED (4134 <br />LINCOLNWAY WEST - AMENDED). <br />This ordinance had second reading. Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion that the ordinance pass, <br />seconded by Councilman Horvath. The ordinance passed by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen <br />Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Parent, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Newburn and Nemeth). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5564 -73 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. <br />4990 -68, AS AMENDED, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE <br />ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, (CHAPTER 40, MUNICIPAL CODE) - <br />150 WEST ANGELA BOULEVARD. <br />This ordinance had second reading. Councilman Taylor made a motion that the ordinance pass, <br />seconded by Councilman Szymkowiak. The ordinance passed by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Council- <br />men Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Parent, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Newburn and Nemeth). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5565 -73 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER <br />21 OF THE CITY CODE OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, 1971, <br />ALSO KNOWN AS ORDINANCE NO. 4990 -68, AS AMENDED, <br />AND GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS AMENDED, <br />BY ADDING PROVISIONS RELATIVE TO HISTORIC <br />PRESERVATION. <br />This ordinance had second reading. Councilman Parent made a motion to amend the ordinance as <br />amended in the Committee of the Whole and also to amend the ordinance further as follows: <br />Under 2. Powers and Duties, insert the following in paragraph b: <br />Furthermore, all gifts of personal or real property must be approved by the Common <br />Council of the City of South Bend before delivery of the personal property or <br />acceptance of the deed for the real property. Furthermore, all expenditures of <br />money, regardless of the source of the money, must receive prior approval of the <br />Council before any commitment or expenditure is incurred. The Commission shall <br />also prepare and submit for approval an annual budget which the Common Council <br />must approve or deny. All personnel hired by the Commission on a full -time or <br />part -time basis shall be approved by the Common Council. The Commission shall <br />hold at least four (4) advertised public hearings to provide the public with an <br />opportunity of becoming aware of Commission business and to make their views known. <br />Under 2. Powers and Duties, insert the following in the third paragraph of paragraph <br />(5) : <br />