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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 1973 <br />IIREGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />(This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Miller made a motion that the ordinance be referred <br />to the Area Plan Commission, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carried. <br />11 ORDINANCE <br />This ordinance had <br />public hearing and <br />the length of time <br />the public hearing <br />Councilman Horvath <br />,on June 27, 19731 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $92,000.00 FROM <br />THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT FUND, COMMONLY <br />REFERRED TO AS GENERAL REVENUE SHARING, FOR <br />VARIOUS PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAMS, TO BE ADMIN- <br />ISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />first reading. Councilman Taylor made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />second reading on July 9, 1973, at 7:00 p.m. There was a brief discussion on <br />required for the public hearing on the ordinance, after which it was decided <br />would not take too long. Councilman Taylor then withdrew his motion, and <br />made a motion that the ordinance be set for public hearing and second reading <br />at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Parent. The motion carried. <br />IIPRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mrs. Ethel Deka, 1121 Harvey Street, complained about the water in the northwest area of the city. <br />She indicated that when her water tank is drained, all that comes out is sand. She mentioned she <br />had called the Water Department and had received no action. She then contacted Action Line and <br />had been told something would be done, and to date nothing has been done. She indicated that she, <br />as well as others in the area, do not even have clean drinking water. She presented the Council <br />with two samples of the water that had come from her tap. Councilman Szymkowiak indicated that <br />he, too, had reported this problem six months ago and nothing had been done. Council President <br />Nemeth suggested that Mr. Paul Krueper, Manager of the Bureau of Water, be invited to the July 9th <br />Council meeting to view the water samples and determine a solution to the problem. Councilman <br />Szymkowiak felt the matter should be looked into immediately. Mrs. Deka indicated that she had <br />been assured that something would be done two months ago, and nothing had been done. Councilman <br />Szymkowiak brought up the subject of the flouride in the water, indicating that it causes the <br />pipes to rust and corrode and this to mix with the water. Councilman Kopczynski asked if a water <br />test had been conducted on the .water taken from Mrs. Deka's tap. He asked if the Council could <br />retain the samples, and Mrs. Deka informed him that he could as she had plenty more of the same <br />water whenever she turned the faucet on. She explained that her laundry had been ruined. At one <br />time, she had bought some powered solution to add to the water to help clear it up; however, she <br />indicated that the solution was expensive and she had to stop buying it. Councilman Kopczynski <br />asked if there were other people involved, and Mrs. Deka indicated that most of the residents in <br />the area had the same problems with their water. Councilman Szymkowiak repeated that he had <br />reported this problem six months ago and nothing had been done. He felt it was the responsibility <br />of the chemists and the water should be analyzed. Mrs. Deka indicated that the only answer she <br />had received on the dirty water was that it was brought about because of the old and rusty water - <br />mains. She asked why this could not be improved and fixed. Councilman Miller asked if there were <br />new sewers to be constructed in the area, and Mrs. Deka indicated that she did not believe so. <br />Chairman Newburn indicated that the new sewers were not planned for that area even though it was <br />in the Model Cities area, and he felt it was a serious problem. Councilman Parent made a motion <br />that Mr. Krueper attend the July 9th meeting of the Council to speak on the matter and that the <br />Council send him a letter requesting him to look into the situation, seconded by Councilman Miller, <br />The motion carried. Mr. James Roemer, City Attorney, indicated that this was a concern, and he <br />requested that Mrs. Deka come before the Board of Water on June 18th and bring samples of the <br />water. He indicated that the meeting was held on the 13th floor of the County -City Building at <br />approximately 10:30 a.m. He indicated that Mrs. Deka had a real complaint and he felt the city <br />owed her an explanation. Councilman Szymkowiak felt a letter should not be necessary in this <br />situation, and he also indicated that he did not think the citizens should have to appear before <br />the Council for action with problems of this kind. <br />Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, asked if there would <br />be an investigation into the cause of the fire which ruined a $25,000 street sweeper at the <br />Municipal Services Facility. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that it appeared the fire resulted <br />from negligence with a spark igniting fuel. Council President Nemeth asked if the Board of Works <br />would check into the situation, and Mr. Roemer indicated that there would be an investigation. <br />Miss Guthrie also indicated that she had never seen a resolution or ordinance passed by a council <br />that had not been read in full. She felt this was an illegal procedure. Council President Nemeth <br />asked Miss Guthrie what she was referring to, and Miss Guthrie indicated that the resolution <br />approving the architect's contract for the Civic Center had not been read in full. Council <br />President Nemeth indicated that none of the resolutions and ordinances have been read since last <br />October. Councilman Horvath also indicated that there had been a presentation on the resolution. <br />A woman in the audience questioned why the next Council meeting was to be held on June 27th rather <br />than the regular meeting date of June 25th. Council President Nemeth indicated that the attorney <br />representing the residents of Clay Township had requested a delay for the public hearing on the <br />proposed Clay annexation. <br />Councilman Serge indicated that considerable money has been expended for improving the city's <br />street lighting. He mentioned that the tree branches hang very low over the street lights and <br />block much of the light from the street lights. Mr. David Wells of the Engineering Department <br />indicated that he had no answer to this problem, and Councilman Serge suggested that a letter be <br />written to the Park Department regarding this problem. <br />Councilman Serge also indicated that he wished to congratulate Miss Schaefer on winning the title <br />of "Miss South Bend ". <br />Mrs. Janet Allen, 125 West Marion Street, asked if there had been an open meeting held held with <br />the architect on the Civic Center. Councilman Miller indicated that there would be a Use - Planning <br />Committee meeting on Tuesday evening; however, the architects would not be present at that time. <br />Mrs. Allen felt the public should be kept informed on the progress of the Civic Center. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that, a few months ago, there had been talk on a proposed anti - <br />noise ordinance coming before the Council for action. He asked about the status of the ordinance, <br />