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REGULAR MEETING MAY 14, 1973 <br />IIREGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />in the grant. Councilman Kopczynski asked if Dr. Kromkowski had meant that the Model Cities pro- <br />gram had been a failure, and Dr. Kromkowski definitely answered that it had not been a failure; <br />however, there had been many problems encountered. Council President Nemeth thanked Dr. Kromkowskj <br />for his presentation. <br />11PETITION TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE (4134 LINCOLNWAY WEST) <br />I(We), the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the <br />City of South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, <br />the following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at 4134 Lincolnway West, <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />2. The property is owned by Eugene J. McGarvey, Jr. and Keith E. Vial. <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of the Southwest Quarter <br />(1/4) of Section Thirty -three (33), Township Thirty -eight (38) <br />North, Range Two (2) East, described as beginning at a point <br />Five Hundred Ninety -seven and Three Tenths (597.3) feet West <br />of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section <br />Thirty -three (33), Township and Range aforesaid, thence West <br />Four Hundred Seventy -two and Two Tenths (472.2) feet, thence <br />North Five Hundred Twenty -nine and Nine Tenths (529.9) feet <br />to the South line of Lincoln Way West or U.S. Highway 20, said <br />line being the South line of a One Hundred (100) foot right - <br />of -way; thence South Sixty -eight (68) degrees, Thirty (30) <br />minutes East along said South line a distance of Three Hundred <br />Seventeen and Fifty -three Hundredths (317.53) feet; thence <br />South a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet; thence <br />Southeasterly parallel to the South line of Lincoln Way West, <br />a distance of One Hundred Ninety -three and Seventeen Hundredths <br />(193.17) feet; thence South One Hundred Eighty -four and Six <br />Tenths (184.6) feet to the place of beginning, excepting <br />therefrom a strip of land Forty (40) feet wide, North and <br />South, taken off the entire length of the South side for <br />right -of -way purposes, said strip of land being the North <br />Half (1/2) of Edison Road, in St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />Consisting of 3.64 acres. <br />Petitioners seek to rezone all of the above described property except 120 feet <br />in depth on the angle off of the North end of the tract adjacent to and along Lincoln <br />Way West. <br />120 feet in depth off the North end of the tract is zoned C- Commercial, and the <br />balance of the property is presently zoned B- Residential. <br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned from <br />B- Residential Use and A Height and Area District to C- Commercial Use and E Height and <br />Area District. <br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and the <br />following building(s) will be constructed (include number of dwelling units if <br />residential) : <br />A Ponderosa Steak House Restaurant and off street parking. <br />6. Number of off street parking spaces to be provided: <br />Approximately 116 <br />7. Attached is a copy of (a) an existing plot plan showing my property and <br />other surrounding properties; (b) names and addresses of all the individuals, firms <br />or corporations owning property within 300 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; <br />(c) site development plan. <br />Petition Prepared by: <br />Eugene J. McGarvey, Jr. <br />s/ Eugene J. McGarvey, Jr. <br />215 West Superior Street <br />Kokomo, Indiana <br />s/ Keith E. Vial <br />4404 Rosewood Drive <br />Kokomo, Indiana <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council would pass over the petition because the <br />ordinance would be coming up for first reading, at which time the petition and ordinance would be <br />referred to the Area Plan Commission. <br />ORDINANCES, SECOND READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5518 -73 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $51,912.00 IN <br />ACCOUNT NO. 120, "SERVICES PERSONAL ", $3,037.00 <br />IN ACCOUNT NO. 620, "CURRENT OBLIGATIONS ", AND <br />$2,500.00 IN ACCOUNT NO. 726, "PROPERTIES ", FOR <br />A TOTAL APPROPRIATION OF $57,449.00 FROM THE <br />FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT FUND, COMMONLY KNOWN <br />