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REGULAR MEETING MAY 14 19 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $108,000.00 FROM <br />THE LOCAL ROAD AND STREET FUND AND $12,000.00 <br />FROM THE CUMULATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND <br />FOR PROJECT R & S 63 — WIDENING OF BENDIX DRIVE <br />FROM SOUTH SHORE TRACK TO LATHROP AVENUE, AND <br />INSTALLATION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion that the ordinance be set <br />for public hearing and second reading on May 29, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Newburi <br />The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $54,000.00 FROM <br />THE LOCAL ROAD AND STREET FUND AND $6,000.00 <br />FROM THE CUMULATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND <br />FOR PROJECT R & S 60 - ORANGE STREET - COLFAX <br />AVENUE CONNECTOR FROM BENDIX DRIVE TO LaPORTE <br />AVENUE. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Horvath made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />public hearing and second reading on May 29, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Taylor. <br />The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $18,000.00 FROM <br />THE LOCAL ROAD AND STREET FUND AND $2,000.00 <br />FROM THE CUMULATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND <br />FOR PROJECT R & S 61 - MICHIGAN STREET - MAIN <br />STREET CONNECTOR. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Newburn made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />public hearing and second reading on May 29, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Taylor. <br />The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $153,000.00 FROM <br />THE LOCAL ROAD AND STREET FUND AND $17,000.00 <br />FROM THE CUMULATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND <br />FOR PROJECT R & S 62 - COMPLETE RECONSTRUCTION <br />OF MIAMI STREET AND IRELAND ROAD INTERSECTION. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Newburn made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />public hearing and second reading on May 29, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Taylor. <br />The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A <br />LEASE, TRUST INDENTURE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />REVENUE BONDS AND MORTGAGE AND THE FORMS AND <br />TERMS OF THE LEASE AND TRUST INDENTURE AND <br />BONDS AND MORTGAGE AND THE ISSUANCE OF ECONOMIC <br />DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS PERTAINING TO CURTIS <br />L. CROFOOT. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Horvath made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />public hearing and second reading on May 29, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Newburn. <br />The motion carried. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mrs. Fanny Grunwald, 227 South Frances Street, indicated that the downtown area was being rebuilt, <br />and she felt these places should be accessible to handicapped people. She mentioned that there <br />was nothing being done on that as far as the curbs were concerned, and she thought that ramps were <br />to be made for the handicapped. Councilman Parent indicated that he had looked into the matter. <br />He indicated that, about one year ago, Mr. Swanson had been assured that ramps would be con- <br />structed and this was also to be provided for in receiving federal funds. Councilman Parent made <br />a motion that the City Clerk be directed to write a letter to Mr. Charles Lennon, Executive <br />Director of the Redevelopment Department, as to the status of the provisions for the physically <br />handicapped, seconded by Councilman Horvath. The motion carried. <br />Mrs. Fanny Grunwald, 227 South Frances Street, also brought up the problem of the city paving and <br />improving the streets and then the utility companies coming along and tearing up the streets. <br />She wondered why the utility companies couldn't get together with the city in an effort to avoid <br />tearing up portions of the streets after they have been paved. Council President Nemeth indicated <br />that Mrs. Grunwald had a good point, and he suggested that the City Clerk be directed to send a <br />letter to the Director of the Department of Public Works to see what coordinating method was used, <br />if any, to advise utility companies of the street pavement policy. Councilman Miller indicated <br />that this matter had been brought up and discussed before. Councilman Szymkowiak indicated that <br />plans should be made in advance as to what the utility companies and the city would be doing <br />during the year. Mr. James Roemer, City Attorney, suggested that a letter be addressed to the <br />Board of Public Works to discuss the matter at an open hearing and report back. Councilman Parent <br />made a motion to accept Mr. Roemer's suggestion, seconded by Councilman Taylor. The motion carriec <br />Mrs. Frederick Mutzl, President of the St. Joseph County Fair Tax Association, indicated that she <br />was disappointed that the Council had passed favorably on the appropriation for the nature center <br />in Rum Village Park. She felt that the city tax rate was going up because of these things and <br />people were moving out of the city where the tax rate was not so high. Council President Nemeth <br />disagreed with Mrs. Mutzl. Mrs. Mutzl indicated that that was his privilege but she felt she was <br />speaking the truth. She appreciated the job the Council had in front of them; however, she wished <br />that the Council would have had the courage to let the schools carry on with the nature center. <br />Councilman Horvath indicated that the Council does have a very difficult job and cannot please all <br />the people all the time. He indicated that every time action is taken by the Council, some people <br />are not satisfied. He indicated that he did not play softball so why should there be softball <br />diamonds. He indicated that he did not swim so why should there be swimming pools. He indicated <br />