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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 10, 1972 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 336 -72 (CONTINUED) <br />I, received by the Economic Development Commission. The construction of this new 11 <br />building will be in compliance with R -66, the plan for the redevelopment of South <br />Bend, will be a fine improvement to the downtown area, and will assure the con- <br />tinuation of a sound tax base. <br />I 11 <br />A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE NEED FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />RESOLUTION NO. 16 -72 <br />WHEREAS: The City of South Bend is still experiencing a high unemployment <br />situation, and <br />WHEREAS: By virtue,of the need for additional industrial and economic <br />development, and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Economic Development Commission that because <br />of insufficient employment opportunities and insufficient <br />diversification of industry, the economic welfare of the city <br />would be benefited by approving the application of Rael Brown, et <br />al for the proposed construction of a one story building at <br />208 -210 South Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana. <br />THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CIVIL CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND THIS 22ND DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1972. <br />/s/ President, Karl King, Jr. <br />/s/ Vice President, Fred Craven <br />/s/ Secretary, Walter Mucha <br />it it <br />to It <br />September 26, 1972 <br />Mr. Frank Miles, President <br />Area Plan Commission <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Mr. Miles: <br />Pursuant to the Municipal Economic Development Act of 1965 as amended, I am enclosing <br />a copy of the report of the City of South Bend's Economic Development Commission making <br />certain estimates pertaining to the application of Rael Brown, et al of South Bend <br />an I.ndiana Partnership. <br />I would appreciate your immediate attention and indication of your approval. <br />Sincerely, <br />Karl G. King, Jr., President <br />Economic Development Commission <br />KGK:bgr <br />CC: Mr. Jerry J. Miller, Mayor, City of South Bend <br />Mr. Peter Nemeth, President, South Bend City Council <br />Mr. Charles Sweeney, South Bend City Attorney <br />Mr. Kenneth Fedder, Economic Development Commission Attorney <br />Mr. Frederick K. Baer, Attorney <br />It if <br />It September 26, 1972 to <br />Mr. Aaron H. Huguenard, President, Board of Trustees <br />South Bend Community School Corporation <br />635 South Main Street <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Mr. Huguenard: <br />Pursuant to the Municipal. Economic Development Act of 1965 as amended, I am enclosing <br />a copy of the report of the City of South Bend's Economic Development Commission <br />making certain estimates pertaining to the application of Rael Brown, et al of South <br />Bend an Indiana partnership. <br />I would appreciate your immediate.attention and indication of your approval. <br />Sincerely, <br />Karl G. King, Jr., President <br />Economic Development Commission <br />KGK:agk <br />CC: Mr. Jerry J. Miller Mayor, City of South Bend <br />Mr. Peter Nemeth, President, South Bend City Council <br />Mr. Charles Sweeney, South Bend City Attorney <br />Mr. Kenneth Fedder, Economic Development Commission Attorney <br />Mr. Frederick K. Baer, Attorney <br />