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REGULAR MFFTTN(s <br />OCTOBER 10, 1972 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 334 -72 (CONTINUED) <br />it September 28, 1972 <br />Mr. Karl King, President <br />Economic Development Commission of South Bend <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Mr. King: <br />The Board of School Trustees for the South Bend Community School Corporation endorses <br />wholeheartedly the proposed purchase of land and construction of a new plant to be <br />located in the Granger Industrial Park, St. Joseph County, Indiana by the K & F <br />Manufacturing Company of South Bend an Indiana partnership.. <br />The School Corporation does not consider that this project would cause any major <br />change in school enrollments nor bring any burden upon present school facilities. <br />Sincerely, <br />Aaron H. Huguenard, President <br />Board of School Trustees <br />AHH /mm <br />11 <br />W <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution. Mr. Kenneth Fedder, Attorney for the Economic <br />Development Commission, explained that this resolution is in regard to construction of a new <br />plant in the Granger Industrial Park by K & F Manufacturing Company. This construction will not <br />affect streets, sewers, or fire protection in the county. They plan to spend $70,000 on the <br />project and will have a firm commitment from a bank to purchase the bonds. The project will have <br />an additional payroll of from $125,000 to $250,000 per year. Councilman Taylor made a motion <br />for adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Horvath. The resolution was adopted by a <br />roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Parent, Taylor, Kopczynski, <br />Horvath, Newburn and'Nemeth). <br />RESOLUTION NO. 335 -72 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA, IN THE MATTER <br />OF A. H. CHOITZ-& COMPANY, INC. OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />WHEREAS, A. H. Choitz & Company, Inc., has submitted its intention to the Economic Development <br />Commission of South Bend to construct a new commercial facility on State Road #2 West of Pine <br />Road, in St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />WHEREAS, the Economic Development Commission, pursuant to the statute, has found by written <br />resolution that there exists insufficient employment opportunities and that the economic welfare <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana would be benefited and the purpose of the statute would be <br />accomplished by the acquisition and leasing of the above described property to A. H. Choitz & <br />Company, Inc,, and <br />WHEREAS, A. H. Choitz & Company, Inc., has submitted a statement of public service to the above <br />Economic Development Commission of the City of South Bend and said Commission has forwarded this <br />statement of public service with their approval and comments to the South Bend School Corporation, <br />a copy of which is attached, and <br />WHEREAS, the affirmative response and analysis of the South Bend School Corporation has been <br />received as presented to the Clerk of the City of South Bend and attached, and <br />WHEREAS, the statement of public service by A. H. Choitz & Company, Inc. and the Economic Devel- <br />opment Commission of the City of South Bend have been submitted for approval and comments to <br />the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County and the affirmative action and comments of the <br />Area Plan Commission have been received by the Clerk of the City of South Bend, as attached, and <br />WHEREAS, the requirements of the application as described in the "Municipal. Economic Development <br />Act of 1965'of the State of Indiana" as amended have therefore been met to this point, including <br />a projection of the number of jobs created, the estimated payroll created and the approximation <br />of the cost of the land and construction, and the impact on utilities and fire and police <br />facilities of the City of South Bend with the approvals of the school corporation and the Area <br />Plan Commission having jurisdiction of the area in which the proposed facility is to be built and <br />WHEREAS, A. H. Choitz & Company, Inc. seeks approximately $300,000.00 from an issue of revenue <br />bonds of the Economic Development Commission of the City of South Bend to be signed by its Mayor <br />and by its City Clerk and further desires to enter into a lease of not to exceed 20 years <br />duration to be known as a net net net lease sufficient to pay the principal and interest of these <br />bonds and obtain title at the end of the lease; and <br />WHEREAS, by virtue of the net net net lease, the A. H. Choitz & Company, Inc , indicates its <br />intention to pay all expenses of the operation, maintenance, insurance, property taxes, whatever <br />of the facility, <br />THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana that the <br />resolution and findings of the Economic Development Commission pertaining to this project be <br />approved and incorporated in this resolution, and <br />THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of South Bend Indiana, that the <br />statement of public service on the part of the Economic Development Commission, of the Area Plan <br />Commission and of the South Bend School Corporation be accepted and approved, and <br />THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE SOUTH BEND CITY COUNCIL authorize the Economic'Development <br />Commission of the City of South Bend to proceed to make preliminary agreements with the proposed <br />lessee, A. H. Choitz & Company, Inc., in the nature of a conditional commitment to enter into a <br />lease with A. H. Choitz & Company, Inc., and <br />