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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 28, 1980 <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />Dombrowski. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of seven ayes and two nays (Council <br />Members Crone and Voorde.) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 778 -80 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION <br />FOR FUNDING THROUGH THE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION. <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of South Bend is the chief Executive Officer of the City and,l) <br />therefore, is the applicant for a grant through the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. Hereby establishes the authority of the Mayor of the City of South Bend to <br />submit an application for Law Enforcement Assistance Administration funds in the amount of <br />$19,500. <br />SECTION II. The Director of the Youth Service Bureau will be designated the Administrative <br />Agent for the project. For every category established under this Resolution, the Director of th <br />Youth Service Bureau shall submit to the Common Council a line item budget prior to the expendi- <br />tures of any grant money received upon approval of this application. <br />SECTION III. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption <br />by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s /Lewis A. McGann <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Ms. Bonnie Strycker, Director of the <br />Youth Service Bureau, indicated this grant would be used to provide funding for office space. <br />She indicated their present location, 121 S. Michigan, would soon be demolished and they were <br />searching for office space. She said these funds could only be used for renovation. Council <br />Member Kopczynski made a motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. <br />The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 779 -80 <br />A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FURTHER TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF IDLE <br />FUNDS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FROM THE SEWAGE WORKS <br />CONSTRUCTION FUND, SEWAGE WORKS DEPRECIATION FUND, CUMULATIVE <br />CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT.FUND, LOCAL ROAD AND STEET FUND, CUMULATIVE <br />SEWER BUILDING AND SINKING FUND, REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND, <br />WATER METER DEPOSIT FUND, WATER DEPRECIATION FUND, AND WATER <br />SINKING FUND: TO THE CORPORATION GENERAL FUND, PARK MAINTENANCE <br />FUND, POLICE PENSION FUND, FIRE PENSION FUND, HUMAN RIGHTS COM- <br />MISSION FUND, BUILDING DEMOLITION FUND, GENERAL BOND SINKING <br />FUND, PARK DISTRIBUTION BOND SINKING FUND, AND THE URBAN RE- <br />DEVELOPMENT BOND SINKING FUND. ALL FUNDS BEING PART OF THE <br />CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />WHEREAS, a necessity exists to provide funds for the Corporation General, Park Maintenance, <br />Police Pension, Fire Pension, Human Rights Commission, Building Demolition, General Park and <br />Urban Bond Redemption Funds prior to the receipts of taxes in the year 1980 in order to meet the <br />current operating expenses of the City provided for in the budget and appropriations adopted for <br />the year 1980, and <br />WHEREAS, there are monies on deposit to the credit cif various funds of the City, to wit: <br />Cumulative Sewer Building and Sinking, and Federal Assistance Grant, Wastewater General, Waste- <br />water Depreciation, Water Works Depreciation Funds and Wastewater Construction Fund which can be <br />temporarily advanced or transferred to the various funds already mentioned, and <br />WHEREAS, Indiana Code 19- 11 -2 -1 and 19- 11 -2 -2 authorize the Common Council of the Civil <br />City of South Bend, by Resolution adopted by such Council, to advance and transfer to a depleted <br />fund from any such fund, such amount and for such period of time as may be prescribed in the <br />Resolution, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />SECTION I. That the City Controller of the City of South Bend is authorized to transfer <br />an aggregate amount not to exceed $3,057,000.00 to various funds from various other funds as <br />listed below: All such transfers made must be repaid by December 31, 1980. <br />FROM: TO: <br />Wastewater Construction Fund $ 200,000.00 Corporation General $1,800,000.00 <br />Wastewater Depreiiation 200,000.00 Park Maintenance 500,000.00 <br />Cumulative Capital Improvement 200,000.00 Police Pension 160,000.00 <br />Local Road & Street Fund <br />800,000.00 <br />Human Relations & Fair <br />Employment Practices <br />Cumulative Sewer <br />300,000.00 <br />Commission Fund <br />10,000.00 <br />Federal Revenue Sharing <br />600,000.00 <br />Building Demolition <br />15,000.00 <br />Meter Deposit <br />307,000.00 <br />General Bond <br />111,000.00 <br />Water Depreciation <br />350,000.00 <br />Park Distribution <br />206,000.00 <br />Sinking Waterworks <br />100,000.00 <br />Urban Redevelopment <br />95,000.00 <br />$3,057,000.00 <br />$3,057,00.00 <br />