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Ultimately Valerie Schey motioned bill 23 -13 creating the position be sent to council favorably. Karen <br />White seconded and all but Henry Davis supported. Bill 24 -13 funding the position was sent favorably <br />after a motion by Karen White seconded by Valerie Schey and supported by all except Henry Davis. <br />The last item on the agenda bill 25 -13 raises the salary level of two positions - Zoo Director and Zoo <br />Veterinarian. Both the Mayor and the Controller spoke to the necessity of doing this now so these <br />positions could be filled with good people prior to handing the zoo management over to the Zoological <br />Society next year. <br />During public comment Dave Nufer from the Zoological Society underlined the need to have good <br />people in position for the transition. Citing the inadequate pay levels over her twenty -four (24) years <br />with the zoo Pat Fenters said the zoo has had seven (7) vets in that twenty -four (24) year period. Phil St. <br />Clair, Park Superintendent said zoo Directors come and go and it is usually a low salary issue. He said <br />management of the zoo needs to be stabilized. <br />After a few more Council comments Henry Davis motioned the bill be sent to full council favorably. <br />Valerie Schey seconded and all supported. <br />Dr. Varner adjourned at 6:02 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />ar. a-vii arner. Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance Committee <br />