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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9, 1979 <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED (CONTINUED <br />He proposed the following amendment to the resolution: The title should be changed to: <br />"A Resolution of the Common'Council of South Bend, Indiana requesting that no Section 8 <br />New Construction Family Housing Assistance Projects be built at the corner of Keller and <br />Hickory; delete the first two Whereas paragraphs, the third Whereas paragraph should be <br />retained, the fourth Whereas, should be changed to read, "Whereas, the area of Keller and <br />Hickory site is saturated with multi - family units and is presently congested; "and the fifth <br />Whereas, should be changed to read, "Whereas, where is no need to construct Section 8 New <br />Construction Family Assistance Projects in the Keller - Hickory area. ", and keep the Now, There= <br />fore paragraph; and change Section I as follows, "The Common Council of the City.of South Bend <br />requests the Community Development of the City to abandon the projected sixty to eighty unit <br />complex on the five acre tract of land on the corner of Keller and Hickory and other areas <br />that are equally saturated with family units. "; and Section 2 reamin the same, seconded by <br />Council Member Miller. Mr. Andy Migas, President of the Northeast Neighborhood Association, <br />indicated that the Keller - Hickory site should never have been considered. He said they do <br />not feel there is a need for Section 8 housing anywhere in the City. He said the boarded up <br />homes in the City should be addressed before we consider any new construction under Section 8. <br />He said they were in favor of the resolution introduced by Council Member Adams, but they could <br />live with the proposed amendment. Mr. Carl Ellison, Director of Redevelopment, indicated he was <br />not opposed to the Keller- Hickory site. He said there was a need for housing for the poor of <br />this community. Lillian Stanton, 919 Oak Ridge spoke in favor of this resolution. Mrs. Jane <br />Swan, 2022 Swygart, indicated that the South Bend Tribune on March 29, 1979, carried a story <br />regarding the fact that the Housing Authority indicated their vacancy rate was ten percent. <br />She indicated that multi - family projects are not good for children. Mr. Migas indicated he <br />was not against poor people, but believed we should rehab what we have before new construction <br />is even considered. Glenda Hernandez, 702 E. South, indicated that Section 8 housing should not <br />be banned completely in the City. Mr. Rey Hernandez, 702 E. South, indicated that the existing <br />housing stock should be rehabilitated. Larry Crone, 301 Donmoyer, indicated that Mrs. Swan <br />had spoke against children being raised in projects. He said he grew up in a project and if <br />he had it to do again, he would want to be raised in a project. Council Member Kopczynski in- <br />dicated he supported this resolution. Council Member Dombrowski spoke against Council President <br />Parent's maendment. The motion to amend failed on a roll call vote of four ayes and four nays <br />(Council Members Kopczynski, Adams, Dombrowski and Horvath.) Council Member Adams made a <br />motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Council Member Kopczynski. The resolution was adopt <br />by a roll call vote of five ayes and three nays (Council Members Szymkowiak, Miller and Parent.) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 696 -79 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH <br />ABS INDUSTRIES, INC., OR ANY SUBSIDIARY THEREOF, RELATING <br />TO THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF ECONO- <br />MIC DEVELOPMENT FACILITIES TO BE USED AS A HOT FORGING PRESS <br />FACILITY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA. <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Indiana (the "Issuer "), by virtue of the laws of the State <br />of Indiana, including the Municipal Ecnomic Development Act of 1965, as amended, Indiana Code of <br />1971, Title 18, Article 6, Chapter 4.5 (The "Act "), is authorized and empowered, among other <br />things, (a) to provide funds to pay costs of economic development facilities within the boundari( <br />of the Issurer, to be owned and used by ABS Industries, Inc. or any subsidiary thereof (the <br />"Company "), (b) to issue economic development revenue bonds for the purpose of paying the costs <br />of such acquisition, construction and financing costs (c) to secure such economic development <br />revenue bonds by an indenture, including the pledge and assignment of revenue derived from such <br />economic development facilities to the payment of said revenue bonds and the granting of a <br />mortgage on such facilities for the benefit of the 'bondholders, and (d) to enter into a loan <br />agreement hereinafter mentioned; and <br />WHEREAS, the Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Ohio <br />and desires to locate economic development facilities within the Issuer to be used as a hot <br />forgining press facility (the "Facility "); and <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of the members of the Common Council of the Issuer that the <br />additional jobs and employment opportunities resulting from the Facility be provided at the <br />earliest possible moment and that the economic improvement produced by the operation of the <br />facility within the Issuer occur at the earliest possible time; and <br />WHEREAS, under theprovisions of the Act it will be necessary for the South Bend Economic <br />Development Commission (The "Commission ") and the Common Council of the Issuer to undertake <br />certain proceedings and adopt certain legislation prior to the issuance of any economic develop- <br />ment revenue bonds to provide funds for the acquisition, construction and installation of such <br />Facility and prior to the execution of any loan agreement therefor; and <br />WHEREAS, this Common Council desires to initiate certain formal steps necessary to secure <br />the commitment of the Company to acquire and use the Facility and to provide for other matters <br />incidental thereto; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />that: <br />SECTION I. It does hereby approve a finding and determination by the Commission that: <br />a. The real and personal property to be included in the Facility will be an <br />"economic development facility" within the meaning of those terms in the <br />Act. <br />b. That the utilization of such real and personal property in the creation and <br />location of the Facility would be economically sound and will benefit the <br />health, prosperity, economic stability and general welfare of the Issuer <br />and that because of existing insufficient employment opportunities and <br />insufficient diversification of industry within the Issuer, the economic <br />welfare of the Issuer would be benefited by the acquisition and use of <br />the Facility by the Company. <br />SECTION 2. In order to overcome insufficient employment opportunities and insufficient <br />diversifications of industry which the Common Council of the Issuer has heretofore found to <br />