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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 10, 2013 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />COMMENTS FROM MR. JESSE DAVIS REGARDING CORRUPTION AND FRAUD IN <br />THE BUREAU OF SEWERS <br />Jesse Davis, P. O. Box 10205, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he has filed several “Privilege of <br />the Floor Forms” to have the fraud that was committed against the City investigated by the <br />Council. He stated that he has presented information to the St. Joseph County Prosecutor, who <br />said that it needs to be investigated by the South Bend Police Department who then in turn sends <br />it to the City’s Legal Department to be handled as a civil matter. Mr. Davis asked that this <br />matter be sent to the Health & Public Safety Committee of the Council as well as the Personnel <br />& Finance Committee to look into why this issue is not being investigated properly. Mr. Davis <br />proceeded to play a conversation with the Chief on how this matter should be handled. Mr. <br />Davis noted that he is providing a DVD of the full conversation so that the Council can listen <br />more closely as to why the Chief says this is a civil matter and not a crime. Mr. Davis handed <br />the DVD to Clerk John Voorde. <br /> <br />COMMENTS FROM REV. GREG BROWN REGARDING THE POLICE CHIEF <br />Rev. Greg Brown, 1238 Diamond, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he wants to ask the Council <br />to find out why Chief Teachman would hold up leg irons in a church and ask the people to help <br />with the task of keeping our youth out of the said leg irons. Yet in a matter of months later he <br />himself would not help a fellow officer break up a fight at the Martin Luther King (MLK) center. <br />He also asked why would the Chief send officers to the MLK Center to try and gain access to <br />their video and ask questions related to the issue when the Board of Public Safety has not had a <br />chance to investigate this themselves yet. He stated that he has a video from Greater St. John <br />Missionary Church prior to this incident at the King Center of Chief Teachman showing the leg <br />irons in the church. He stated that he came to ask the community and church members to help <br />from preventing youth from being locked up. Rev. Brown played several minutes of the video. <br />He stated that the church is approximately 75 feet from the King Center where the altercation <br />took place outside and the Chief did not back up his officer. He asked the Council to call for an <br />investigation. <br /> <br />COMMENTS FROM MR.SAM BROWN REGARDING THE POLICE CHIEF <br />Sam Brown, LaSalle, South Bend, Indiana, asked when is the Police Chief going to fill the open <br />positions at the Police Department or is he going to eliminate them. He asked the Council if they <br />can get any answers. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, President Derek D. Dieter adjourned <br />the meeting at 9:08 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />ATTEST: ATTEST: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />____________________________ ____________________________ <br />John Voorde, City Clerk Derek D. Dieter, President <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />