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r <br />REGULAR MEETING MARCH 12, 1979 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED <br />Council President Parent indicated there had been a question raised as to whether he had a con- <br />flict of interest regarding this rezoning matter. He indicated he was employed by Catholic <br />Charities, which is a separate entity from the Fort Wayne -South Bend diocese. He said this <br />diocese is a separate entity from the Sisters of St. Joseph, therefore, he felt there was no <br />conflict of interest. Jim Masters, assistant City Attorney, indicated there was no legal <br />conflict of interest. Kathy Cekanski, Council Attorney, indicated there was no legal conflict <br />of interest. She indicated that according to the Council rules and regulations, they could <br />decide if it is a conflict of interest. Mr. Rick Carey, Senior Planner, from Area Plan, in- <br />dicated this received an unfavorable recommendation from the Commission, and if this proposal <br />is approved by the Council it will be subject to a final site plan. Council Member Miller <br />asked the procedure for amending a final site plan. Mr. Carey indicated that prior to any <br />building permit being issued the site plan must be approved by Area Plan. Mr. Rick Morgan, <br />attorney for the petitioners, indicated there was a 9.17 acre site. He indicated that the <br />present structures, except the chapel and garage, would remain on the site. He indicated this <br />would be an upper income condominium project. He indicated that sixty -four condominiums would <br />be built, and twenty -one units would result from the remodeling of the present strucutures. <br />He said there would be underground parking, two cars per unit, as well as surface parking for <br />guests, which will result in 2.9 parking spaces per unit. He indicated that the Sisters of <br />St. Joseph, and the developers had entered into a memorandum of agreement, in which there will <br />be a deed restriction that there will be no new construction above 46 feet. He indicated that <br />access to the project will be through one guarded gate on Greenlawn, and there will be a <br />security guard twenty -four hours a day. He indicated that storm water will be diverted to a <br />system of dry wells, which will help alleviate the storm water problem in the area. He in- <br />dicated that theproject would be constructed in five phases over four years. Mr. Charles <br />Sweeney, attorney for the Bendix Estate Neighborhood, asked to defer to counsel for the Sisters <br />of St. Joseph. Francis Jones, attorney for the Sisters of St. Joseph, indicated he lived within <br />three hundred feet of the project, and he was in favor of this rezoning. He indicated he would <br />like to see this property get back on the tax roles. He indicated that the Sisters were taking <br />a fifty percent loss on the sale of the property. Mr. Stanley S. Gilbert, who lives on the <br />northeast corner of the Bendix Estate, spoke against this rezoning. He indicated he did not wan - <br />his'beautiful home to be surrounded by condiminiums. Mr. Charles Sweeney, attorney representing <br />the Bendix Estate Neighborhood, indicated that they were opposed and asked the Council to reject <br />this rezoning. He said this portion of Jefferson Street was one of the most beautiful and <br />tranquil, in the City. He indicated that the City's long range use plan called for low density <br />in this neighborhood, and this project was high density. He indicated that this project would <br />cause a traffic problem in the area. He indicated that the Bendix Estate Neighborhood had meet <br />with the developers many times, and they had not been shown any plans or a market feasibility <br />report. He indicated he did feel that Roger Parentr,has a conflict of interest. He indicated <br />that the Catholic community was used to generate the 1,375 letters received in favor of this <br />rezoning. Mr. Ronald Jaicomo, attorney representing Ernestine Raclin, spoke agains this re- <br />zoning. He indicated there was insufficient information available regarding the entire project. <br />Mrs. Raclin, 110 N. Esther, indicated that the neighborhood wanted to protect their homes. She <br />indicated there were other opportunities for the Sisters to sell this property. She said that <br />she would sell her property if this rezoning was granted. Mr. Morris Friedman, 1617 E. Jeffersoi <br />spoke against this rezoning. He indicated that the letter writing campaign, in favor of this <br />rezoning, was a devious method. Mr. George Herendeen, 1736 E. Jefferson, spoke against this <br />rezoning. Mrs. Sandra Hayes, 1634 E. Jefferson; spoke against this rezoning. Mrs. JoAnn Meehan <br />1603 Devon Circle, spokeainst this rezoning. Dr. Eugene Weiss, 1605 E. Washington, asked <br />that the area to be rezoned be defined on the charts in the Chambers. Mr. Sweeney defined <br />the area. Mrs. Lillian Stanton, 919 Oak Ridge spoke in favor of this rezoning. Mr. T. Brooks <br />brademas, 1614 Devon Circle, spoke against this rezoning. He indicated that was not a market <br />for 85 expensive condiminiums. Mr. Robert Mysliwiec, attorney, indicated he had attended a <br />meeting with Council President Parent and representatives from each faction, and at that time <br />Councilman Parent asked if any one had any problems, and no one raised a question about his <br />ability to vote. He indicated that a chance was given at that time and the point was not raised <br />Mrs. Berman, 1510 E. Jefferson, indicated that Council President Parent had indicated to her how <br />he would vote on the project, prior to the public hearing. Mrs. Andrea Jones, 1608 Devon Circle, <br />spoke against this rezoning due to the school children in the area. Mr. Peter Hull, 135 S. <br />Greenlawn, spoke against this rezoning. He indicated he lived across the street and was con- <br />cerned about the lights in the parking lots as well as the garbage and trush that could be un- <br />sightly. Mr. Steven Luecke, 754 Leland spoke in favor of this rezoning. Council Member Adams <br />asked the Council Attorney if it was possible for the deed restriction to be waiver, and could <br />the developer go before the Board of Zoning Appeals and get permission to build seven story <br />condiminiums. Kathy Cekanski, Council Attorney, indicated that the memorandum of agreement re- <br />garding the deed restriction was between two parties, and neither of which is the City of South <br />Bend. She indicated that as far as the Board of Zoning Appeals, she had not had time to re- <br />search that question. Jim Masters, Assistant City Attorney, indicated he did not believe the <br />Board of Zoning Appeals would have the power to grant an exception from four to seven stories. <br />Council Member Adams indicated that the Council had a commitment to neighborhoods. She made a <br />motion to recommend this to the Council unfavorableseconded by Council Member Dombrowski. <br />Council Member Miller indicated that the final site plan would solve any problem regarding the <br />height and area. He indicated that these condiminiums would fit the general character of the <br />neighborhood. Council Member Taylor indicated he supported the project. Council Member <br />Kopczynski indicated he was against this project. The motion to-recommend unfavorable failed <br />on a vote of three ayes and six nays (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Horvath <br />and Parent.) Council Member Taylor made a motion to recommend this to the Council favorable, <br />seconded by Council President Parent. The motion carried on a roll call vote of six ayes and <br />three nays (Council Members Kopczynski, ADams and Dombrowski.) <br />Council Member Dombrowski made a motion to recess, seconded by Council Member Adams. The motion <br />carried and the meeting was recessed at 10:00 p.m., and reconvened at 10:20 p.m. <br />