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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1977 <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. Arthur Osterwald of Edward Rose <br />of Indiana, indicated this resolution was being requested because if the developer is unable <br />to get the proper zoning the petitioner wants the option of filing a dis- annexation petition. <br />He said this property would be used to develop an apartment complex. Mr. George Carmichael, <br />17401 Battles Dr., read the following into the record: "We wish to present to the South Bend <br />City Council notice of our acute concern as to the proposed annexation of the 70.9 acre plot <br />at Ironwood and Ireland for the purpose of its development by the Edward Rose Company of <br />Indina (offices in Kalamazoo, Michigan) into an apartment complex of 1,135 units - -under the <br />particular present plan as described in the South Bend Tribune. We ask you to consider that <br />this proposal has surfaced at the busiest time of the year for families, thus placing those <br />who are concerned about it at great disadvantage so far as adequate preparations for presenting <br />our concerns and objections. We ask you to consider that what inquiries we have made downtown <br />during the last two months brought forth no information from the agencies and that the South <br />Bend Tribune articles gave us our only information—and this only at the very brink of the <br />starting of the processes regarding the Rose proposal. We point out that the use of this large <br />land area should result in permanent benefit to the community. We are deeply concerned about <br />the quality of construction that would go into the building of any structures by any builder <br />on this large land site, and we are concerned about density, design, safety features, etc. The <br />designated sum of $10 million for construction by Rose of 1,135 units indicates to us very low - <br />cost construction at today's prices—and more so, considering that costs other than construction <br />also were listed as accruing to the builder. All of this would apparently indicate something <br />less than $8800 to be applied to the construction of a unit. We object to discrimination against <br />the contiguous areas of high -value dwellings that is couched in the present Rose plan. We <br />object to the propect of this particular proposed land use becoming even less of an asset to the <br />community as the years pass. We ask: What actual financial benefit to the City of South Bend <br />would result from the use of this land under the present Rose plan; that is, financial benefit <br />over and above the costs to the City and the taxpayers that will be involved. In summation, we <br />do not object to the use of the land for the real benefit of people and the area. We object to <br />the construction of dwellings on it of the quality presently proposed. We ask that there be an <br />upgrading of the quality of construction and whatever in the plans would relate to lasting bene- <br />fit. We feel that, for the good of the City as a whole, construction on this land site should <br />not be of such nature as to result eventually in primarily a tax write -off for the builder, and <br />we ask you to consider if this is a possibility. We ask that the City, the Builder, and the <br />area residents cooperate in seeing to a proper, sensible, fair upgrading of the use of this <br />land." Council Member Taylor made a motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member <br />Dombrowski. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 599 -77 <br />A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF IDLE <br />FUNDS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FROM THE CUMU- <br />LATIVE SEWER BUILDING AND SINKING, CUMULATIVE CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT, LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS, FEDERAL ASSISTANCE <br />GRANT FUNDS AND WASTEWATER DEPRECIATION FUND, WATER WORKS <br />DEPRECIATION FUND AND WASTEWATER GENERAL FUND, TO THE <br />CORPORATION GENERAL, PART MAINTENANCE, POLICE PENSION, <br />FIRE PENSION, REDEVELOPMENT, HUMAN RELATIONS AND FAIR <br />EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES COMMISSION FUNDS, MOTOR VEHICLE <br />HIGHWAY FUNDS, ALL FUNDS BEING WITHIN THE CIVIL CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />WHEREAS, a necessity exists to provide funds for the Corporation General, Park Maintenance, <br />Police Pension, Firemen Pension, Redevelopment, Human Relations and Fair Employment Practices <br />Commission, Motor Vehicle Highway Funds prior to the receipts of taxes in the year 1978, in order <br />to meet the current operating expenses of the City, provided for in the budget and appropriation <br />adopted for the year 1978, which expenses must be met prior to the receipt of taxes in the year <br />1978, and <br />WHEREAS, there are monies on deposit to the credit of various funds of the CIty, to -wit: <br />Cumulative Sewer Building and Sinking, Cumulative Capital Improvement, Local Roads and Streets <br />and Federal Assistance Grant, Wastewater Depreciation, and Water Works Depreciation Funds which <br />can be temporarily advanced or transferred to the various funds already mentioned, and <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 71 of the Acts of 1961 of the Indiana General Assembly authorized the <br />Common Council of the Civil City of South Bend, by Resolution adopted by such Council, to ad- <br />vance and transfer to a depleted fund from any other such fund, such amount and for such period <br />of time as may be prescribed in the Resolution, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />SECTION I. That the City Controller of the City of South Bend is authorized to transfer <br />an aggregate amount not to exceed $4,000,000.00 to various funds from various other funds as <br />listed below. The aggregate amount of $4,000,000.00 to be distributed so as not to exceed at <br />any one time the maximum amounts as set forth below. Any such transfers made must be repaid <br />by December 31, 1978. <br />FROM: MAXIMUM <br />Cumulative Sewer Building <br />& Sinking Fund $750,000.00 <br />Local Roads and Street Fund 500,000.00 <br />Federal Assistance Grant <br />Fund 750,000.00 <br />Wastewater General Fund 1,250,000.00 <br />Wastewater Depreciation <br />Fund 500,000.00 <br />Water Works Depreciation <br />Fund 250,000.00 <br />$4,000,000.00 <br />TO: MAXIMUM <br />Corporate General <br />Park Maintenance Fund <br />Police Pension Fund <br />Firemen Pension Fund <br />Cumulative Capital Improve- <br />ment Fund <br />$2,325,000.00 <br />500,000.00 <br />250,000.00 <br />250,000.00 <br />150,000.00 <br />Human Relations & Fair <br />Employment Practices Comm. Fund 25,000.00 <br />Motor Vehicle & Highway Fund 500,000.00 <br />$4,000.000.00 <br />