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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 1977 <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />He said it was his understanding that the Council believed an agreement should be reached, and <br />as of this time there was no agreement. He said he would request that each of these resolutions <br />be continued until Thursday. Council Member Adams asked if they should have a special meeting o <br />continue this meeting, due to legal requirements. Mayor Nemeth indicated the Council has the <br />right to set a regular meeting at any time they decide. Council President Parent indicated that <br />this meeting should be continued until Thursday, September 29. Council Member Miller indicated <br />these resolutions do not refer to the agreement with the developers and all three must be addres <br />by the Council whether or not we go ahead with a mall project. He said it was his feeling that <br />the Council could act on.these resolutions tonight. Council President Parent indicated that <br />since the Mayor feels there may be an agreement by Thursday, we should continue public hearing. <br />Council Member Kopczynski made a motion to continue the public hearing until Thursday, September <br />29, at 4:00 p.m., seconded by Council Member Serge. Lillian Stanton, 919 Oak Ridge, indicated <br />she thought the meeting time should be set when the public can come. Mr. Tim Woods, attorney <br />for the downtown merchants, asked if anyone had considered whether or not what the Mayor and the <br />developers are doing is legal. He asked if they could reach an agreement with the developers <br />contrary to HUD requirements. Miss Barbara Schankerman, 1619 Rockne,, indicated that the majorit <br />of the public here are business people and they cannot lock up their business. Council Member <br />Adams indicated there was no negotiation on the sale of the land. She asked the Mayor the scope <br />of the negotiations. Mayor Nemeth indicated that the Redevelopment attorney is in the process of <br />handling this and the City will not do anything that will violate the law. Mr. Kevin Butler, <br />Redevelopment attorney, indicated they are not negotiating the purchase of the property. He sai <br />the discussions have centered around the developer's proposal, which in form is a letter of inte <br />A roll call vote was taken on the motion to continue public hearing until Thursday, September 29 <br />at 4:00 p.m., the motion failed on a vote of three ayes (Council Members Taylor, Horvath and <br />Parent) and five nays (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Kopczynski and Adams). <br />Council Member Miller made .a motion to recess, seconded by Council Member Adams. The motion <br />carried and the meeting was recessed at 8:11 p.m., and reconvened at 8:26 p.m. <br />RESOLUTION <br />RESOLUTION <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, SUPPORTING THE COMMITMENT OF PUBLIC SECTOR RESOURCES <br />TO THE CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION OF THE SOUTH <br />BEND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT TO THE UNITED STATES <br />GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, ; <br />AN APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY.DEVELOPMENT FUNDS UNDER TITLE <br />I OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974. <br />A public hearing was held at this time on all three resolutions. Council President Parent annou <br />they would have one -half hour of public hearing, and then he would entertain a motion to continue <br />public hearing until Thursday, September 29, at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Tim Woods, attorney for the down- <br />town merchants, indicated that the conditions the developers have placed on their participation <br />in this mall were in part illegal. He said the developers were asking the City to build the <br />common areas of the mall, and he did not think the City has that power. He said with regard to <br />the negotiations he thought they were talking about price, because there was one of the items <br />contained in Mr. Chandler's letter. He said the developers are not only talking about price, <br />but also what City is going to provide, and if they are talking about this, then they are acting <br />in an illegal manner. He said that with regard to the resolution that has been passed by Re- <br />development he thought that the procedure followed has been contrary to statutes. He said that <br />everything that has been done to date has been contrary to statutes. Mr. Douglas Kline, 63551 <br />Miami, owner of Powers Discount, read the following statement: "I am speaking now as a re- <br />presentative of The South Bend Revitalization Committee. At the Tuesday evening, September 20th <br />1977, Council Caucus, I informed this Council that The South Bend Revitalization Committee had <br />many questions regarding the proposed mall. Council President Roger Parent asked for these <br />questions to be submitted in writing. Representing The South Bend Revitalization Committee, <br />I submit this written list to you now. I ask that my statement and the memo I am about to read <br />be made a part of the official record." "September 26, 1977, To: Common Council, % Mr. Roger <br />Parent,.President. From: The South Bend Revitalization Committee: As per the statement made <br />to the Council on Tuesday evening, September 20th, 1977, the following questions concerning the <br />proposed Century Malli.are hereby submitted: 1. Does the South Bend Urban Observatory Study <br />(Citizen Attitudes Survey) indicate that a mall of this magnitude, necessitating destruction of <br />many sound buildings, is required or desired by the community? 2. Did this survey indicate <br />that tax money of $10,000,000 (10 million) or more should be spent for this proposal? 3. If <br />this survey stresses a need for more parking and a larger variety of stores, is the Century <br />Mall AS PLANNED what the people actually want? 4. Rather than imposing their.conclusion and <br />plan ipso facto, why did the City Administration take the position that the Century Mall pro- <br />posal, requiring the destruction of sound buildings, is the only solution? 5. Why were alterna <br />suggestions and plans not solicited from the public and other interested parties? 6. Is the <br />City Council and the public aware of the financial contributions that.Government (public funds) <br />must make towards this PRIVATE venture: (a) Cost of acquiring all remaining Downtown buildings <br />in the proposed mall area.. (b) Cost of relocating existing buisness. (c) Cost of demolition <br />to provide clear land in the heart of South Bend. (d) Cost of constructing all walkways and <br />public areas including the roof thereof. (e) Cost of providing heat, air conditioning and vent <br />tion in the mall public areas. (f) Cost of providing benches, planters, curtains, etc., (what <br />extent is etcetera ?) -and the landscaping. (g) Cost of maintenance and security in the mall and <br />parking garages. (h) Cost of building a parking garage adjacent to the mall and the cost of <br />providing three hours of free parking in thenew garage as well as in the existing parking garage <br />at Jefferson and St. Joseph Streets. (i) Cost of the loss of revenue in the Jefferson Street <br />Parking Garage and the probable loss of parking meter income. (j) Cost of the loss of tax <br />revenue during the construction period. (k) Cost of the loss of property tax revenue for five <br />years due to the statutory tax reprieve the new mall would receive. 7. At what stage will the <br />investors become fully obligated to build the mall? 8. In the eventthey fail to build the mall <br />(which could occur for various economic reasons and unforseen contingencies), what would be <br />their penalty? 9. If the land were to be cleared and the mall could not be completed, what <br />contingency plans has the City made? 10. Is it not a fact that more jobs would be lost Downtow <br />than would be created by the new mall? There are many more vital questions, financial and <br />technical in nature, that could be subsidiary to the above ten questions. More detailed studies <br />must be made before the final decision is reached regarding Century Mall. Signed: Barbara Sue <br />Schankerman, Douglas E. Kline, Edgar E. Wertheimer, representing The South Bend Revitalization <br />Committee." Council President Parent indicated the questions raised were very good ones. <br />t <br />0 <br />ed <br />