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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 29, 1977 <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED (CONTINUED <br />He said these questions should be answered before final action was taken on this resolution. <br />Mayor Nemeth indicated it would not be possible to answer all of these questions this evening. <br />He indicated that the Administration did not know if the owners of Clay Utilities would be <br />willing to sell. Council Member Taylor indicated that he felt the Council has always wanted to <br />buy Clay Utilities and the only thing they have been debating has been the price tag. He in- <br />dicated he felt 2.0 million was a fair price for the facility. Council Member Dombrowski read <br />a statement as to why he changed his vote regarding the purchase of this facility. He said by <br />voting for this resolution, he did not commit himself to annexing Clay Township. Council Member <br />Horvath indicated he was not in favor of spending 2.0 million for a facility outside of the City. <br />He said he could not see jeopardizing the surplus funds the citizens of South Bend have built <br />up. He said if we use our City funds to subsidize this facility, then we will have to raise the <br />water rates. Council Member Adams indicated she would like to wait and see if the price will <br />drop further. She said she could not see spending $2,000,000 for a system that is supposedly in- <br />adequate. Council Member Kopczynski indicated that the price was too high. He indicated that <br />the Council has a Utilities Committee and he thought they should get into the funds of the South <br />Bend Water Works. He made an amendment to the resolution to change the amount from $2,000,000 <br />to $1,600,000, seconded by Council Member Horvath. The motion lost on a roll call vote of four <br />ayes (Council Members Kopczynski, Adams, Horvath and Parent) and five nays (Council Members <br />Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor and Dombrowski). Council Member Szymkowiak made a motion to <br />adopt the resolution, seconded by Council Member Taylor. Council President Parent indicated that <br />by delaying this the Council's position has been proven correct. He indicated $1,200,000 was a <br />reasonable price. He said the reduction of close to $300,000 was made possible by Council. He <br />said that they were told that never, never would it be available at a lower price. He said there <br />is no urgency to purchase Clay Utilities at the 2.0 figure. Council Member Adams indicated the <br />Utilities Committee had sent a letter to the Administration regarding outside users of water and <br />sewage, and if the contracts were fair and equitable to all. She said she would like to know whe <br />the Committee will get an answer to their questions. Mr. McMahon, Director of Public Works, in- <br />dicated they expect to have a reply to the Committee within a week. Council Member Horvath said <br />he was sorry that Mr. Barkley did not get answers to his questions. He indicated that he would <br />not approve any improvements to Clay Utilites, that would involve City taxpayers' money. A <br />roll call vote was taken on the motion and the resolution passed by a vote of five ayes !(Council <br />Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor and Dombrowski) and four nays.(Council Members Kopczyns <br />Adams, Horvath and Parent). <br />RESOLUTION NO. 575 -77 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, TO ACQUIRE THE WATER FACILITIES OF RIVER <br />COMMONS. <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the CIty of South Bend, INdiana, finds that it is in the <br />best interests of the city to furnish water and sewage disposal facilities to the area located <br />in Clay Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, commonly referred to as the Laurel Woods area, <br />constituting an approximate 38 -acre tract of land; and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council now finds that the water facilities owned by South Bend Federal <br />Savings and Loan Association of South Bend, Indiana, and known as the River Commons Utility, <br />should be acquired by the city of the purpose of furnishing such water service at the price hereil <br />stated. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, that <br />SECTION 1. The City of South Bend, Indiana, acquire by purchase or by lease - purchase from <br />South Bend Federal Savings and Loan Association of South Bend, Indiana, in the manner deemed <br />most expedient the water service facilities known as the River Commons Utility in Clay Township, <br />St. Joseph County, Indiana, and take such steps as are necessary to connect to the sewer services <br />presently furnishing the River Commons Addition at a total price of One Hundred Eleven Thousand <br />Dollars ($111,000.00), and that the city proceed forthwith to take such steps as are deemed nec- <br />essary and appropriate to so accomplish the acquisition of such facilities by purchase or by <br />lease. <br />SECTION 2. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption <br />the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s /Richard C. Dombrowski <br />/s /Joseph T. Serge <br />/s /Walter M. Szymkowiak <br />/s /Terry S. Miller <br />/s /Rogert G. Taylor <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mayor Peter J. Nemeth indicated that <br />this was related to the Laurel Woods site. He said the City would be required to furnish water <br />and sewage facilities to Laurel Woods. He said River Commons has a waterworks and it would be <br />cheaper to purchase this facility then to run our own lines. Mr. Phillip Barkley, County Council <br />man, indicated he thought it should be established whether or not a separate utility was going <br />to be established with this purchase and under what State statute this was authorized. Council <br />President Parent asked if this would be an outright purchase from the Water Works Fund, are we <br />going to have a separate facility. Mayor Nemeth indicated he could not answer that question to- <br />night. Council Member Adams asked if any type of fiscal analysis was done on this proposed pur- <br />chase. Mr. John.Stancati, Director of the Bureau of Water, indicated this was for the purchase o <br />two wells, and includes all the water lines that go to every individual home. He said River Com- <br />mons could furnish water to approximately three hundred homes. He indicated they could handle <br />the Laurel Woods area with what they have now at that facility. Council Member Dombrowski made <br />a motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member Szymkowiak. Council President <br />Parent indicated he thought the price was not too bad for this facility. The resolution was <br />adopted by a roll call vote of eight ayes and one nay (Council Member Horvath). <br />