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W <br />REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 29, 1977 <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED (CONTINUED <br />BILL NO. 131 -77 <br />A BILL APPROVING MONEYS FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE CETA <br />TITLE I EXPENSES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING <br />FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1977, AND ENDING <br />SEPTEMBER 30, 1978, INCLUDING ALL OUTSTANDING CLAIMS AND OB- <br />LIGATIONS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Adams made a motion to set this bill for public <br />hearing and second reading September 12, 1977, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The motio <br />carried. <br />BILL NO. 132 -77 A BILL APPROVING MONEYS FORTHE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE CETA <br />TITLE II EXPENSES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING <br />FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1977, AND ENDING <br />SEPTEMBER 30, 1978, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL <br />TAKE EFFECT. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Adams made a motion to set this bill for public <br />hearing and second reading September 12, 1977, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The motio <br />carried. <br />BILL NO. 133 -77 <br />A BILL APPROVING MONEYS FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE CETA <br />TITLE VI EXPENSES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING <br />FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1977, AND ENDING <br />SEPTEMBER 30, 1978, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL TAKE <br />EFFECT. <br />This bill had first <br />hearing and second <br />motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 134 -77 <br />reading. Council Member Adams made a motion to set this bill for public <br />reading September 12, 1977, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The <br />A BILL APPROVING THE FORM AND TERMS OF LEASE AND TRUST INDENTURE <br />AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE EX- <br />ECUTION THEREOF PERTAINING TO FBT BANCORP, INC., PROJECT. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Miller made a motion to set this bill for public <br />hearing and second reading September 12, 1977, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The <br />motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 135 -77 <br />A BILL APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BUREAU OF WATER OF THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AND COLE ASSOCIATES, INC., SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />FOR RENOVATION FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE WATER WORKS BUILDING LOCATED <br />AT 224 NORTH MAIN STREET, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT NOT <br />TO EXCEED $3,500.00. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Adams made a motion to set this bill for public <br />hearing and second reading September 26, 1977, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The <br />motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 136 -77 A BILL APPROVING THE FORM AND TERMS OF LEASE AND TRUST INDENTURE <br />AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXECUTION THEREOF PERTAINING TO DIXIE DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Adams made a motion to set this bill for public <br />hearing and second reading September 12, 1977, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The <br />motion carried. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A bill appropriating $1,850.00 from the Federal Assistance Grant Fund, commonly referred to <br />as General Revenue Sharing Grant, for various administrative programs to be administered by <br />the City of South Bend through its Department of Administration and Finance." Council Member <br />Adams made a motion to strike this bill from the record, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. <br />The motion carried. <br />Report from Area Plan: "Upon a motion by Joseph Simeri, being seconded by Joseph Serge <br />and carried with Michael Miles abstaining, the petition of <br />Yeager- Brown, Inc., to zone from "R" Residential, "A" Height <br />and Area, to "C" Commercial, "A" Height and Area, property <br />located on the west side of Logan Street and north of Jefferson <br />Boulevard, CIty of South Bend, is returned to the Common Council <br />with an unfavorable recommendation as it is their feeling it <br />is a needless extension and intrusion of a commercial use into <br />a residential area." <br />"Upon a motion by Earl Kime, being seconded by Joseph Serge <br />and unanimously carried, the petition of Gold Rush, - South <br />Bend, Ind, to zone from "C" Commercial, "A" Height and Area, <br />for a change in Ireland Road, City of South Bend, is returned <br />to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation, sub- <br />ject to a final site plan and the posting of bonds for the <br />required traffic signal." <br />Council Member Taylor made a motion to set the appropriate bills for public hearing and second <br />reading September 12, 1977, seconded by Council Member Adams. The motion carried. <br />