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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 27, 1977 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />Council Member Dombrowski made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, seconde <br />by Council Member Serge. Council Member Adams reminded the Council that this was a companion <br />ordinance and possibly should be sent to Committee. Council Member Dombrowski withdrew his moti <br />and Council Member Serge withdrew his second. Council President Parent made a motion to send <br />this bill to the Utilities Committee, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The motion carried <br />with Council Members Szymkowiak and Miller opposing. <br />BILL NO. 59 -77 A BILL AMENDING CHAPTER 5, ANIMALS, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents and opponent: <br />were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Peter Mullen, City Controller, made the presentation <br />for the bill. He said this bill was an attempt to provide better animal control and licensing <br />for the citizens of South Bend. He said animal control has recently become more expensive, and <br />this bill will attempt to generate additional income to the City which can offset these increases <br />costs. Council Member Dombrowski made a motion to send this bill back to the Committee of the <br />Whole, seconded by Council Member Kopczynski. Council Member Kopczynski indicated that he thougl <br />it only fair that the Council look at the financing of the dog control program. He said he <br />thought a program should be designed to take care of strays. Council President Parent indicated <br />he felt the problem with this bill was that it does not require animals to have rabies shots <br />before they are licensed. Mr. Mullen indicated that.State law provides for rabies shots. Counc.i <br />Member Szymkowiak indicated that the problem was stray dogs in the City. Council President Parer <br />indicated he felt our present animal ordinance was sufficient. Council Member Dombrowski changes <br />his motion, and referred this to the Committee on Public Safety,.seconded by Council Member <br />Kopczynski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 63 -77 <br />A BILL APPROPRIATING $27,950.00 FROM THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE <br />GRANT, COMMONLY KNOWN AS GENERAL REVENUE SHARING, FOR VARIOUS <br />ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE PROGRAMS TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND <br />FINANCE. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents and opponent <br />were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Peter Mullen, City Controller, made the presentation <br />for the bill. He said this bill was to authorize the hiring of a museum design consultant. He <br />said Joseph A. Wetzel Associates have been hired. He said with this money they will be able to <br />put together a planning design and construction format, in order that they can be used in future <br />fund - raiding activities. He said funds raised from this activity will be used to pay for exhibi <br />design and construction costs. Council Member Serge asked if once they appropriated this money, <br />would this be self- sustaining. Mr. Mullen indicated this money would hopefully raise about <br />$200,000 for the museum. Council Member Serge asked if there would be a charge to get into the <br />museum. Mr. Mullen indicated that this was being discussed, but no definite decision had been <br />made. Council Member Dombrowski made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, <br />seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 64 -77 <br />A BILL FIXING MAXIMUM SALARIES AND WAGES OF APPOINTED <br />OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />FOR THE YEAR 1978. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents and opponent <br />were given an opportunity to be heard. Council President Parent made a motion that this bill be <br />referred to the Council with no recommendation, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The moti <br />carried. Mayor Peter J. Nemeth asked if there was going to be a public hearing now, or later. <br />Council Member Adams indicated they would hold a public hearing tonight if any one wished to spe <br />as well as at a later date. Mr. Peter Mullen, City Controller, proposed the following amendment <br />to the bill: Page 1, II. Department of Law, add hearing officer $13,780; III. Century Center - <br />Discovery Hall Dir /Curator (remove Curator) change salary to present $16,000 - annual proposed <br />$16,960; IV. Bureau of Manpower Adm., change assistant field director to supportive service <br />coordinator, add program review specialist at a salary of $12,402 and personnel specialist at a <br />salary of $12,702, change outreach worker II to client service aide II and outreach worker I to <br />client service aide I, add the position of job coach II at a salary of $10,911. Page 2, Parks, <br />change assistant superintendent of business to fiscal officer, and change proposed salary to <br />$15,388. Page 3. Building and Permits eliminate sub - standard office manager and chief inspecto <br />Page 7, General Classification, change auditor III salary to minimum $11,661 - maximum $12,949, <br />and auditor II salary maximum to $11,677. Council Member Kopczynski made a motion to accept <br />these amendments, seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion carried. Mr. Mike Lawrence, <br />representative of Teamsters Local 364, indicated he would defer his comments until the next publ <br />hearing. Council Member Parent made a motion to continue public hearing until July 18, a specia <br />meeting of the Council, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 68 -77 <br />A BILL FIXING MAXIMUM SALARIES AND WAGES OF APPOINTED <br />OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />WITHIN THE DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR THE YEAR <br />FROM JULY 1, 1977, TO JUNE 30, 1978. <br />Council President Parent made a motion to continue public hearing on this bill until July 18, <br />1.977, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 69 -77 A BILL APPROPRIATING $2,300 FROM THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE <br />GRANT, COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS GENERAL REVENUE SHARING, <br />FOR EQUIPMENT REPAIR AT MORRIS CIVIC AUDITORIUM, TO BE <br />ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, THROUGH <br />THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE. <br />