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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1977 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />rates throughout the country. He indicated this ordinance would increase the mileage rates <br />seventy -five cents for the first one -fifth (1/5) of a mile or fraction thereof; thereafter ten <br />cents (10�) for each additional one -sixth (1/6) of a mile or fraction thereof. He said that <br />between the hours of seven o'clock p.m. and five o'clock a.m. the operators may charge fifty <br />cents (50�) per trip in addition to the rates of fare provided. Council Member Szymkowiak asked <br />what percentage of passengers were senior citizens and the handicapped. Mr. Butler said he did <br />not know but the percentage was high. Council Member Szymkowiak indicated there should be re- <br />duced rates for senior citizens and the handicapped. Mr. Butler said that the members of the cab <br />companies would be willing to discuss this situation with him. Council Member Parent indicated <br />that the surcharge of fifty cents was high in comparison to the average cost of one trip. He <br />asked what percentage of the increase would go to the driver. Mr. Butler indicated fifty percent <br />would go to the driver. He said it was costly to operate cab service at night. Council Presiden <br />Parent asked if they serviced senior citizens at night. Mr. Butler indicated it was mostly <br />hotels and restaurants that were serviced. Council Member Serge made a motion to recommend this <br />ordinance to the Council favorable, seconded by Council President Parent. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE <br />BUREAU OF WATER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AND BADGER METER, INC., MILWAUKEE, <br />WISCONSIN, FOR THE PURCHASE OF 6, 000 5/8- <br />INCH WATER METERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $187,260.00. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and op- <br />ponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. John Stancati, Director of Utilities, made t <br />presentation for the ordinance. He indicated these meters had the outside reader. He said the <br />$187,260 was a very good price. Council Member Adams made a motion to recommend this ordinance <br />to the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE REVISING THE GOVERNING RULES AND <br />REGULATIONS OF THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND,.INDIANA, AND ESTABLISHING <br />CERTAIN STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ON THE PART OF <br />MEMBERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, AND CREATING <br />A RULES COMMITTEE FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE <br />STANDARDS CREATED. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and op- <br />ponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council President Roger 0. Parent, made the <br />presentation for the ordinance. He indicated this ordinance had been in the making for almost <br />a year, and the Council attorney had done the bulk of the work. He said they had attempted to <br />restate in many instances what was incorporated in State law, but never incorporated in the City <br />ordinance. He indicated some specific points that have been covered were, conflict of interest; <br />abstension; position of parl-iamntarian was established; as well as sergeant at arms; the manner <br />in which bills are to be submitted; and the format for the agenda will be changed; some standing <br />committees have been deleted and we have added a few other committees, such as, the rules com- <br />mittee, as well as a residential neighborhood committee. He said citizens will be allowed to <br />serve on these committees. He said he thought this was going to help the Council in its operatio <br />Miss Kathleen Cekanski, Council attorney, proposed the following amendments: Section 2 -7(d) page <br />5, line 3, delete "notes" and substitute "votes "; Section 2 -8 (w) page 11, delete in its entirety <br />and substitute, (w) Every bill shall be read two (2) times with each having its own public hear- <br />ing and vote as to its passage. No bill shall be read the second time at the same meeting it is <br />introduced unless by unanimous roll call vote of all councilmen= present. Additionally there <br />must be at least two- thirds of the entire Council present to carry such a motion.; Section 2 -8(dd <br />page 11, line 3, add the following immediately after the word "adoption ", following its public <br />hearing; Section 2- 10A(c), page 14, line 3, delete "there" through "party ", and substitute "there <br />shall be a reflection of the political composition of the Council "; Section 207A (a), page 6, lin <br />3, delete "of the rank of sergeant or higher "; Section 2 -10 (c), page 12, delete in its entirety, <br />substitute (c) Citizen members shall be appointed by the majority of the Common Council. In makin <br />such appointments, the Council shall assure that the citizen members are broadly representative o <br />the South Bend Community. Council Member Taylor made a motion to amend the ordinance as proposed <br />by Miss Cekanski, seconded by Council Member Serge. The motion carried, with Council Member <br />Kopczynski opposing. Ms. Cekanski thanked the AAUW for their help in formulating this ordinance.! <br />Council President Parent indicated he had mailed out approximately thirty copies of the original <br />proposed ordinance to individuals and organizations and he had received some comments and sug- <br />gestions back. Council Member Kopczynski indicated he would like to speak against the ordinance. <br />He said certain sections were good and other sections could be used as a "witch hunt ". He said <br />certain sections could be used to inhibit people speaking before the Council. He said he felt the <br />Council should not vote in favor of this ordinance. Council President Parent indicated that what- <br />ever could be done to any citizen or Council Member in terms of not allowing them to have full <br />freedom to speak, could be done right now without this proposed ordinance. He said the difficulty <br />is that now the person has no recourse if he feels he has been treated unfair. Council Member <br />Kopczynski indica t ed that the rules committee had three members. Council President Parent <br />indicated there was a minimum of three on the committee. Council Member Taylor made a motion to <br />recommend this ordinance to the Council favorable, as amended, seconded by Council Member Serge. <br />The motion'carried on a roll call vote of seven ayes (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Taylor, <br />Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath and Parent) and two nays (Council Members Miller and Kopczynski). <br />Council President Parent made a motion to rise and report to the Council, and have a short recess <br />seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The motion carried and the meeting was recessed at 8:37 <br />p.m. <br />ATTEST <br />City Clerk <br />ATTEST: <br />Chairman <br />