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k <br />REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 4, 1977 <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />REPORT FROM THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />Council Member Adams made a motion to waive the reading of the report of the Committee of the <br />Whole, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The motion carried by a roll call vote of nine <br />ayes (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Yopczynski, Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath <br />and Parent). <br />PETITIONS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE <br />I, the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the South Bend Common <br />Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend as hereinafter requested, and <br />in support of this application, the following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at - 912 Lawrence; 100 block North Shore <br />Dr., 315 Corby. <br />2. The property is owned by - n/a <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />A parcel of land in the Northeast 2 of Section 1, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, <br />Portage Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: <br />Lot 8 of Hickey's Subdivision located on the east side of Lawrence Street, <br />approximately 132 feet north of Corby Street. <br />A parcel of land in the northwest 4 of Section 1, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, <br />Portage Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: <br />Lot 18 and 19 and the East 26 feet of Lot 17 of Studebaker Leeper Avenue Addition <br />located at the Southwest corner of the intersection of North Shore Drive and the <br />Michigan Central Railroad. <br />A parcel of land in the Northwest 4 of Section 1, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, <br />Portage Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: <br />Lots 7 and 8 of Stanfield and Foster Addition located on the Northwest corner <br />of Corby Street and Stanfield Street. <br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned <br />From B Residential Use and A Height and Area <br />To A Residential Use and A Height and Area <br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and the following <br />building will be constructed - N/A <br />6. Number of off - street parking spaces to be provided. N/A <br />7. Attached is a copy of (a) an existing plot plan showing my property and other surrounding <br />properties; (b) names and addresses of all the individuals, firms or coprorations owning <br />property within 300 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and (c) site development <br />plan. <br />Area Plan Commission <br />Petition Prepared By <br />/s/ Roger O. Parent <br />917 Whitehall Dr. <br />South Bend <br />City Councilman, 4th District <br />I, the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the South Bend Common <br />Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance of City of South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in <br />support of this application, the following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at: 1322 Lincoln Way East, South Bend, IN <br />2. The property is owned by: Dr. THomas P. Elliott <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />A part of Lot 4 as shown on the plat of Leer's First Sub and of Leer's Survey of <br />Partition Lot 1 as recorded in plat book 4 at page 57 and plat book 5 page 11 of <br />the records of St. Joseph County, Ind., and now within and a part of the city of <br />South Bend, described as beginning at a point on the S'ly line of Vistaul Ave. <br />(Now L.W. E) at a point on said line 75.8 feet (measured along said S'ly line of <br />L.W.E.) from the W. line of said lot #4 running thence S.E'ly along said S'ly line <br />of L.W.E. a distance of 46.8 feet to the E. line of said lot #4 thence S'ly along <br />said E. line of the SE corner of said lot, thence N.W.'ly along the S'ly line of <br />said lot #4 to a point S. of the place of beginning from which a line running N. <br />220 E. will strike said place of beginning, thence N. 22o E. parallel with the <br />W. line of said Lot #4 and the E. line of a tract of land deeded to Harmon Topper <br />by a deed recorded in deed record 159 at page 300 to the place of beginning, in <br />St. Joseph County, Indiana, except alley off of S. side. <br />