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i <br />r <br />Y <br />c�13 <br />1 <br />W <br />REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 4, 1977 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />He said these funds will be used in the target area. Council Member Serge asked if every area <br />was going to be given consideration. Mr. McMahon indicated the money could only be spent in <br />the target area. Council Member Kopczynski made a motion to recommend this ordinance favorable <br />to the Council, seconded by Council Member Szymkowiak. Council President Parent asked for a <br />list of the project. Mr. McMahon indicated that as soon as the list is drawn up he would send <br />it to the Council. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $22,500.00 FROM THE LOCAL <br />ROADS AND STREETS FUND AND $2,500.00 FROM THE CUMU- <br />LATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND TO PROJECT R &S 90- <br />1977, CRESTWOOD AND EDISON SIGNALIZATION. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and op- <br />ponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Patrick McMahon, Director of the Department <br />of Public Works, made the presentation for the ordinance. He said traffic conditions at the <br />intersection had been monitored for approximately three years, and during that period of time in- <br />creased traffic volumes and changing traffic patterns have been noted. He said this intersection <br />now meets and warrants signalization. He said his department is preparing plans for this project <br />and anticipates initiating the bidding procedure, subject to the appropriation of the necessary <br />funds. Mr. William Dreibelbeis, 1317 Beutter Lane, indicated there was a stretch of road on <br />Corby of about 30 to 50 feet that is unpaved and if this is not taken care of it will create a <br />problem with left turns when this intersection is signalized. Mr.-McMahon indicated this would <br />be handled in conjunction with the signalization. Council President Parent made a motion to <br />recommend this ordinance to the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. Counci: <br />Member Kopczynski asked if this intersection would be eligible for other funding. Mr. McMahon <br />indicated it would be feasible; but it would take longer. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $35,000.00 <br />FROM THE CUMULATIVE SEWER BUILDING AND SINKING <br />FUND FOR PROJECT CS10 -1977, NORTHEAST STORM SEWER <br />DEVELOPMENT, PHASE II. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and op- <br />ponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Patrick McMahon, Director of the Department <br />of Public Works, made the presentation for the ordinance. He indicated the Northeast side of <br />South Bend has been experiencing problems with the disposition of storm water. He said these <br />problems surface as basement flooding and, in some cases, street ponding for excessive periods <br />after the rain stops. He said another area from which complaints have been received is the <br />Sunnymede area, and therefore, they have concluded that the problem is more involved than simply <br />a localized sewer failure. He said they planned to engage the services of Cole Associates, Inc., <br />to conduct a study of the sewers in the area bounded approximately by the City limits on the <br />north, Eddy Street on the west, Mishwaka Avenue on the south and Ironwood Drive on the east. He <br />said the engineers will analyze the problems existing relative to storm and sanitary sewers in an <br />adjacent to the outlined areas. He said a similar study was done several years ago by Cole in -an <br />area adjacent to the east of the area proposed. Council Member Serge made a motion to recommend <br />this ordinance to the Council favorable, seconded by Council President Parent. Council Member <br />Adams indicated that by State law engineering contracts were not biddable. She asked if this was <br />the only firm that could do this type of work. Mr. McMahon indicated it was not the only firm. <br />Council Member Adams asked why this firm was chosen. Mr. McMahon indicated he was not involved <br />in the selection. He indicated the other firms in the City have been receiving contracts. Counc' <br />Member Adams indicated that since Mr. Farrand, the former director of the Department of Public <br />Works, was now employed by Cole Associates, she thought Mr. Brunner should prepare a memo regard- <br />ing whether or not this contract was appropriate. Council President Parent indicated that Cole <br />has not received an overabundance of contracts from the City, but questions could be raised in a <br />situation such as this. lie said he was completely convinced that the recommendation was above <br />board. The motion to recommend this favorably carried. <br />y <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $39,017.00 FROM THE <br />FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS <br />GENERAL REVENUE SHARING, FOR ESTABLISHING THE <br />DISCOVERY HALL PORTION OF CENTURY CENTER, TO <br />BE ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND THROUGH <br />THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMI14ISTRATION AND FINANCE. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and op- <br />ponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Walter Lantz, Chief Deputy Controller, made <br />the presentation for the ordinance. He indicated this appropriation was to establish Discovery <br />Hall, and this was the total operating expenses for 1977. Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary <br />of the Civic Planning Association, indicated:. he had some concern about Discovery Hall. He <br />asked the status of the search for a manager. Ms. Paula Auburn indicated they had received <br />resumes from .four people who are well qualified, and a final decision will be made soon. Mr. <br />Evans indicated he had not seen a written definition or description of Discovery Hall. Mr. Lantz <br />indicated that the Studebaker Car Collection was not the only part, it will also be a history of <br />South Bend's industrial development. Mr. Evans indicated he felt this should be in a written <br />form. Mr. Ron Radecki, 113 S. St. Peter, indicated that the Discovery Hall will be a complete <br />industrial history as well as a history of our ethnic.. =community. He said they needed a pro- <br />fessional staff to deal with the corporations who are interested in displaying their products. <br />Mr. Evans indicated that the proposed salary of $17,000 was out of line, based on an Historic <br />Society report he had read. Ile said he thought it should be reduced to somewhere in the area of <br />$12,000. Council Member Adams asked Ms. Auburn what she had been using as a job description. Ms <br />Auburn indicated she had two pages covering the job description. She said there was three basic <br />aspects, research, directorship and administration. She said they had avertised nationally with <br />a salary level of $13,500, but-,they did not receive any applicants with experience. She said the <br />four current applicants make $15,000 or more. Council Member Adams made a motion to amend the <br />manager's salary to $15,000, seconded by Council Member Kopczynski. A roll call vote was request <br />Council Member Miller made a motion to reopen discussion before the roll call vote was taken, <br />seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion carried. <br />