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PUBLIC WORKS & PROPERTY VACATION JUNE 10, 2013 3:30 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner (3:45), Gavin Ferlic <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White, Derek Dieter <br />Others Present: Eric Horvath, Mike Schmuhl, Matt Wilson, Jason Taylor, Judy Fox, Vicky Miles, <br />Chuck Bulot, Ann -Carol Nash, Kathy Cekanski - Farrand <br />Agenda: - 2 "d Sub Bill No. 18 -13 Water Table <br />Update New Energy <br />Update Farm Workers <br />- Lafayette Falls <br />Public Works and Property Vacation Committee Chairman Oliver Davis call this committee to order with <br />three of four members present. The fourth, Dr. Varner, arrived at 3:45. <br />Four items were listed on the agenda. The first was consideration of sub bill 18 -13 which requires a soil <br />and water table review as a part of the review process. Council attorney Kathy Cekanski - Farrand asked <br />for a continuance of the bill until the meeting of June 24. She explained much progress had been made <br />drafting the bill working in collaboration with the City Building Department and the City Legal <br />Department. However "fine tuning" was necessary. Chuck Bulot head of the Building Department <br />agreed, stating the requested delay would result in a better bill. On a motion by Valerie Schey seconded <br />by Gavin Ferlic and supported by all the bill was continued until June 24, 2013. <br />The second item on the agenda was an update from the City's Director of Public Works, Eric Horvath <br />dealing with the water table fluctuations in the New Energy area. Eric reported that water wells placed <br />by city to draw down the water table were now being tested. A hydrologist was on site to evaluate the <br />effectiveness of the wells. So far the results look promising. He also reported ongoing operating costs <br />of running the pumps was being discussed with nearby residents. Judy Fox, an attorney from Notre <br />Dame Law representing the residents on a pro bono basis said talks with homeowners' insurance <br />companies to recover damages were ongoing. <br />The third agenda item was supposed to be an update from Jesusa Rivera on the farm workers come to <br />the area mostly during harvesting season. Last year some housing problems arose that prompted Oliver <br />Davis to get out in front of the issue. Oliver's concerns are for the safety, health and well -being of the <br />workers while in the city. Jesusa was in Washington D.C. and unable to make the presentation. Oliver <br />did report he has been trying to stay on top the issue. He learned the workers would be housed in <br />private homes this year as opposed to one central location. Oliver pledged to continue to monitor and <br />share information with the Council as it becomes available. <br />The last item on the agenda was billed preliminary discussion of problems in the Lafayette Falls area. <br />Oliver Davis and David Varner initiated this update in response to a growing number of complaints and <br />frustrations expressed by the residents in the area. These complaints focus primarily on uncompleted or <br />improper work committed to by Weiss Builders. Three handouts accompany these minutes which <br />