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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 22, 1976 <br />REGULAR MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />WHEREAS, September 10, 1976, the Board of the St. Joseph County Airport Authority adopted a <br />resolution approving the issuance and sale of bonds of the St. Joseph County Airport Authority <br />for the purpose of securing funds to be applied on the�cost of improvements to the St. Joseph Couni <br />Airport specifically set forth in said resolution, and, <br />WHEREAS, on September 28, 1976, the St. Joseph County Airport Authority adopted its Ordinanc( <br />No. 76 -8 authorizing the issuance of general obligations bonds of the St. Joseph County Airport <br />Authority District in an amount not to exceed $7,000,000.00 designated "St. Joseph County Airport <br />Authority Airport Improvement Bonds," to secure funds for the purposes set forth in said Ordinance <br />and to apply on the cost of said improvements to the St. Joseph County Airport, and, <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of theCity of South Bend believes that the contemplated improve- <br />ments to the St. Joseph County Airport as set forth in said Ordinance No. 76 -8 of the St. Joseph <br />County Airport Authority are necessary and desirable. <br />NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />1. That it favors the establishment of an Airport Authority District for St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, and it approves and confirms the action of the County Council of St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, had on June 19, 1973, creating by its resolution an Airport Authority District for St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana, and <br />2. It approves the Ordinance of the St. Joseph County Airport Authority, adopted September <br />28, 1976, being Ordinance no. 76 -8, authorizing the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds <br />of said St. Joseph County Airport Authority District designated "St. Joseph County Airport Author? <br />Improvements Bonds" to secure funds to be applied to the cost of improvements to the St. Joseph <br />County Airport as specifically set forth in said Ordinance. <br />/s/ Mary Christine Adams <br />Member, South Bend Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. Thomas Nate, President of the <br />Airport Authority, indicated the Airport Authority had adopted a resolution for a bond authorizat: <br />of $7,000,000 to expand the terminal at the Michiana Airport. He said the Airport Authority hope( <br />to receive substantial Federal funds, and they will not use these funds to expand the scope of <br />the project, but to defray the total cost of the project. He indicated that a consultant had use( <br />passenger flow to determine the size terminal needed. He presented a graph which depicted the <br />passenger flow. He indicated that 72% of the operating budget of--,the airport,comes from revenue <br />produced by the consessions and air carrier operations at the airport. He indicated it was neces- <br />sary that they get the processing for the bond handled as quickly as possible and they needed the <br />approval of the South Bend Common Council. Mr. Simon Sclamberg, 2013 Berkley, spoke against the <br />expansion:.. He said he had heard they intended to put a bus terminal at the airport, in order that <br />this would be a multi -modal facility and the public had not been properly informed. Mr. Walter <br />King, a corporation pilot, took opposition to the bond issue. He indicated he was not opposed to <br />a reasonable and realistic expansion of the airport terminal, however, for the amount of money <br />being requested he did not feel the, public had received adequate information. He discussed the <br />expansion of the terminal at the Toledo airport at a cost of slightly under $6,000,000. He said <br />the Toledo airport was serviced by four air lines, not two. He indicated South Bend was not goin( <br />to receive any additional service in the immediate future. He said he thought there should be-a <br />scaled down bond issue that could provide a very adequate terminal building to meet the community <br />needs for the next 25 -30 years. Mr. Robert Vasoli, a University of Notre Dame sociology professor <br />indicated the Airport Authority had spent a lot of money on studies of the need for a terminal. <br />He indicated passenger traffic would not be as heavy as predicted by the Authority. He indicated <br />that he did not know how the Council could make a judgement on the bond issue until they know what <br />it is going to buy. He said he thought the Council should have some answers to the questions that <br />have been raised. Mr. John Kagel, representative of the South Bend - Mishawaka Chamber of Commerce, <br />gave a nine page statement from the Chamber to the Council. This statement listed companies and <br />people in the community who were in favor of this expansion. Mrs. Jane Swan, 2022 Swygart, asked <br />if this meant theSouth Bend residents would be paying a double issue, since this was a countywide <br />project. Council President Parent indicated they would not pay double. Mrs. Janet Allen, 125 <br />W. Marion, indicated that some of the people listed on the - statement from the Chamber were the <br />same people who favored Downtown Urban Redevelopment. She indicated she certainly would question <br />any project that asks for $7,000,000 when they do not know exactly how much it is going to cost. <br />Mr. Nate indicated the Airport Authority felt the public had been kept abreast of what the project <br />entailed, and that a bus terminal will be constructed only if a bus company wishes to locate its <br />facilities at the airport. Mr. John Lindstaedt, president of the St. Joseph County Fair Tax <br />Association spoke in favor of the project. Mr. Paul Bognar, 807 W. Washington, spoke in favor of <br />the project. Council Member Serge indicated he had received many calls regarding the fact that <br />people do not want the bus terminal located in that area. Council Member Taylor indicated he fell <br />the project has been highly publicized and both pro and con have had ample opportunity to express <br />opinions. He indicated he would vote in favor of this resolution. Council Member Adams indicate <br />she felt the Council had to look at this issue realistically, and this would be an additional <br />burden to the taxpayers. She indicated the County Council felt the two councils should get toget- <br />her and discuss this, since the County Council, through Area Plan, had authorized an independent <br />Study and they would have the results back next week. She made a motion that this resolution be <br />continued until the December 13 meeting of the Council, seconded by Council Member Kopczynski. <br />Council Member Dombrowski indicated he would support this resolution. Council Member Horvath sat <br />he was in favor of the resolution, but did not think the bus terminal should be moved in the air- <br />port. Council President Parent indicated he did not think the bus terminal should be moved from <br />downtown.Mr. Nate indicated they were working with the Department of Transportation to get the <br />criteria on what they call multi - modal, and the decision to move would be strictly up to the bus <br />company. Council Member Kopczynski indicated he felt it would be best to continue hearing on thi <br />resolution until the next meeting. Council President Parent indicated he felt they did not need <br />to delay the hearing. He said he was in favor of the general approach to solving this problem. <br />A roll call vote taken on the motion lost by a vote of two ayes (Council Members Adams and <br />Kopczynski) and seven nays (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Dombrowski, Horvat <br />and Parent). Council Member Taylor made a motion that this resolution be adopted, seconded by <br />Council Member Dombrowski. <br />