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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 8, 1976 <br />Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, questioned the advisory <br />cost which appeared in the proposal. He said in the past a lot of the Community Development <br />employees were students, therefore, a vast amount of experience is not required. The position <br />of inter - governmental coordinator is in the proposal, however, in the past administration this <br />position was not within Community Development, it was in the mayor's office. So we are now <br />looking at the addition of one new member to the staff. He said these programs do have ad- <br />visory costs, but that for every dollar put into advisory costs that means one dollar less for <br />programs that have a direct benefit to the community. <br />Mrs. Louvenia Cain, 1207 W. Washington, said she had been observing the program for more than <br />four years, and that it has come a long way. She said she hoped the Council would look favor- <br />ably upon this resolution. <br />Dr. Lillian Stanton, 919 Oakridge, said she would like to urge all positions funded under Com- <br />munity Development be advertised in line with affirmative action. <br />Council Member Serge questioned Mr. Gilkey as to how they came up with the figures for the four <br />districts. He said the northwest was $100,000 less than the other areas and it has the highest <br />crime rate in the city. Mr. Gilkey said that land use planners had traveled the different quads <br />of the city and observed the needs. He said then a discussion was held as to how they could best <br />serve each of the quads. He said that hopefully next year more funds will be received and they <br />could shift the funding. <br />Council Member Adams commended Mr. Gilkey and his staff. She said the citizens should be aware <br />that the resolution does not signify approval of the salaries, this is just a resolution to appl <br />for the money. She said she would like to make an amendment under Section II to read, For each <br />category established under this resolution, the mayor shall submit to the Common Council a line <br />item budget in ordinance form prior to any expenditure of any grant money received upon approval <br />of this application, seconded by Council Member Horvath. <br />Mr. Gilkey said it was his understanding that this was the procedure they followed. He said the <br />were not seeking an ordinance for salaries but a resolution to Hud to meet the March 15 deadline <br />Council Member Horvath asked if Mr. Gileky was disagreeing with the amendment. He said the Coun it <br />was willing to pass the resolution but they were also asking that Mr. Gilkey come back with a <br />line item budget before the money is spent. <br />Council Member Miller said he would like the word category defined in the amendment, and suggest- <br />ed it be changed to program activity. Council Member Adams said it was her intent to be sure anc <br />include advisory cost. She said she did not feel there was any problem with the word category. <br />The motion carried. <br />Council Member Adams asked Mr. Gilkey if he felt it was necessary to spend such large amounts <br />on rehab work, or would it be best to take care of major problems and if there is money left <br />come back and pick up those that are not life and death matters. Mr. Gilkey said he could see <br />where improvement could be made in many areas. He said they were talking about participants <br />matching funds to provide an incentive. <br />Council President Parent said he would like to commend Mr. Gilkey and his staff for the fine <br />proposal. <br />Council Member Taylor made a motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Council Member Adams. <br />The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of eight ayes (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, <br />Miller, Taylor, Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath and Parent). <br />RESOLUTION 509 -76 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE` <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, APPROVING THE <br />AWARDING OF NINE CONTRACTS IN EXCESS OF $5,000 <br />FOR REHABILITATION WORK IN THE COMMUNITY DE- <br />VELOPMENT PROGRAM <br />WHEREAS, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 5872 -75, passed by the South Bend Common <br />Council on August 11, 1975, all contracts under the Community Development Housing Program in <br />excess of $5,000 must be approved by the Common Council; and <br />WHEREAS, low bids for nine properties to be rehabilitated under the Community Development <br />Housing Program have exceeded $5,000. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />1. That approval be granted to the Redevelopment Commission of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, to enter into a contract with Fleming Masonry and Construction for the rehabilitation <br />of the following properties:. <br />Lot 25 Indiana <br />533 <br />E. <br />Indiana Ave. <br />$5,462.00 <br />Avenue Add. <br />Lots 7 -8 Dubails <br />129 <br />E. <br />Dayton St. <br />$6,442.00 <br />lst Add. <br />Lot 16 Kirbys <br />415 <br />E. <br />Ohio St. <br />$7,465.00 <br />Lot 107 Bowmans <br />310 <br />E. <br />Dubail Ave. <br />$5,570.00 <br />Place <br />Lot 175 W &K Replat <br />605 <br />E. <br />Broadway <br />$5,542.00 <br />Wegners 6th Add. <br />2. That approval <br />be granted to the <br />Redevelopment <br />Commission of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, to enter into <br />a contract with <br />Area <br />Services, Inc. for rehabilitation of the following <br />property: <br />Lot 14 Kirbys 407 E. Ohio St. $7,276.00 <br />