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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 8, 1976 <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING <br />CHAPTER 40 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA (Edison Road between State <br />Road 23). <br />This ordinance had first reading. Council Member Taylor made a motion to refer the ordinance <br />and petition to Area Plan, seconded by Council Member Miller. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5820 -75 <br />ESTABLISHING A MERIT SYSTEM OF PROMOTIONS FOR <br />THE BUREAU OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />This ordinance had first reading. Council Member Taylor made a motion to set the ordinance <br />for public hearing and second reading on March 22, 1976, seconded by Council Member Serge. <br />The motion carried. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mr. Robert Swanson, President of the Cahpter of the National Paraplegia Foundation, <br />said that with the passage of the Rehabilitation Program Law, September 1, 1975, the State of <br />Indiana will receive $76,000,000, to be disbursed throughout the state. He said these funds <br />will be handled through the welfare offices. He said he found on entering the St. Joseph <br />County Welfare Office there was no entrance for the hanidcapped. He said this was a violation <br />of code and it was up to the Council to:,see. that something was done. <br />Council President Parent suggested the Council ask the city attorney, and also the Building <br />Department Commissioner, to look into this matter and report back to the Council in two or <br />three weeks. <br />Mr. Conrad Damian, 718 E. Broadway, again spoke on Revenue Sharing money. He said he would <br />recommend the Council consider having a public hearing on the spending of these funds. <br />Dr. Lillian Stanton, 919 Oakridge, said she wondered who took away the seats that belong in <br />the hallway. <br />Mr. Joseph M. Lehner, President of S.T.A.R.T., said that for the past five years this re- <br />cycling center had served the South Bend Community. He said by the end of April the center <br />may be forced to close unless some form of help is offered soon. He said recycling is im- <br />portant, and it would be a mistake to cease the operation. He said they felt it was the <br />responsibility of local government to aid in the preservation of our environment. <br />Council President Parent said he would like to think that local government can assist in the <br />effort to recycle. He said he would bring this up to the Council in caucus. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Council Member Serge made a motion to set to set the ordinance to appropriate $112,500 from <br />the Local Road and Street Fund and $12,500 from line item 260.0 of the Cumulative Capital <br />Improvement Fund to Project R &S 48, Phase III, Ironwood Road from approximately 500' south <br />of Inwood road north to north of Ridgedale Road, for public hearing and second reading on <br />March 22, seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion carried. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Council Member Dombrowski made a motion to appoint Mr. Robert Swanson to the Human Rights <br />Commission, seconded by Councilman Adams, the motion carried. <br />Council President Parent asked for suspension of rules in order that they could adopt resolu- <br />tions in regard to "Thank Holy Cross Week ". Council Member Miller made a motion to suspend <br />the rules, seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion carried by a roll call vote of <br />eight ayes (Council Member Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath and <br />Parent). <br />RESOLUTION NO. 510 -76 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, COM- <br />MENDING THE PRIESTS OF THE CONGREGATION <br />OF THE HOLY CROSS. <br />WHEREAS, the Priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross have served many of the people of !, <br />South Bend Community, spiritually, educationally, and medically from their beginnings in 1982;'. <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross have given outstanding moral <br />leadership and service in their spiritual influence through their many churches, parishes, <br />retreat and mission homes; and <br />WHEREAS, the Priests of the Congregation of Holy.Cross have given outstanding health <br />and medical services through their nursing and hospital experiences in the community <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />SECTION 1. That the citizens of South Bend, through their Common Council, Commend and <br />congratulate the Priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross for their exemplory spiritual, <br />educational, and medical service to the people of the South Bend Community. <br />SECTION 2. That the Common Council further expresses its appreciation for the many <br />services of the Priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross by designating and:- celebrating <br />March 19, 20, and 21 as "Let's Thank Holy Cross Week" with other groups within our community. <br />